Apocalypse (idk)

646 7 2

A/N: This is a little shorter and just has a long A/N at the end, please read it, you don't have to but yeah, please.

Ask me what I mean when I say he's dead. I dare you. Say it to my face, I'm disgusting.

These bars hold me in, voices sneer at me from outside, my effort escaped me a long long time ago. I have no will to live and yet, I can't die. Drugs have not worked, murder was never worth all of this.

I guess after the one you love is dead, you become an empty shell, you learn from your mistakes and you can't move on. My one and only is dead, maybe he'll rise like many others did, but that'd mean I'd have to kill him again.

He's here with me, inside my makeshift cell that I built, only a few hours had passed since it happened, I'd gone crazy, you could call me insane. Maybe I should join them, kill myself but miss my organs, bleed out, I'd be strong. I can run.

It's what I'm best at, but then those outside would stop sneering and chase me, catch me and then I would truly be one of them. Also, I can't leave his body to rot. I'll bury him tonight, I'll send my prayers, I already know his soul has left this Earth and floated far away and up into the clouds, joining the angels as they rejoiced with tears in their eyes, thanking him for choosing the right path.

Me on the other hand, I will never see him again, I left the right path at a young age, I had been raised by an assassin in a gang, the leader, the leader of the strongest and most feared gang in the world. Too bad he was captured and I fell hard, he "escaped" thanks to me.

We stayed in touch, it was fine, but then this virus thing broke out and look where it's got us. His body torn to shreds by my knife, which stuck out of his head, blood crusted and dry, all over his teared body, smothering him in red, now almost black.

Instincts had taken over me, I thought he was an animal coming to attack, when all he was doing was trying to hug me. Maybe just maybe he would rise again, but not infected, just normal.

We could talk, he could hug me, he could live, he could stay, he could love me, we could run.

Nothing is going to stop the sun going down and when it does slip over the mountains in the distance I know he won't wake, not even as an infected, scary and strong as they are, they can't live when their brains are stabbed, they rise as assassins, well of some sort, they rise with heightened senses and attack at movement or noise, they are unreasonably strong and fight to the death, even the least skilled and most unfit person could become an evil, strong, fit and skilled murderer of some sorts.

Maybe, just maybe, that's what I already was, just I had the knowledge I was doing it, unlike all of them.

This is my end, my chosen end, I want to rise again, because I don't want to meet the devil, I don't want to be hated by him. Even though I killed him.

Me being his Tommy.
Him being my Newt.

A/N: I'm back, I have WiFi. Okay so I want to make this one shot into a proper story, but obviously this would basically be the ending, kind of, rather than the start, so I guess you'd know what happened already, but I'd build it up and you could see Newt and Thomas' story and journey before this and it would probably end a little differently because I don't want it to be the exact same so I guess I'll see what I feel like doing and if you guys want that, tell me.

So I deleted my stripper story on this one shot book because I didn't like it and didn't feel like continuing it, I think wattpad decided it wanted to stuff up so they wouldn't delete and now I'm pretty sure some of my other stories have deleted themselves, only problem I don't know which ones have been. It's really annoying because some of them I'm really happy and proud of and to think they've managed to go and get themselves deleted annoys me. I also deleted an A/N chapter because I hate when they're just in the middle of a book. Also thank you so so so much for 900+ reads, that's honestly crazy and I don't know how it happened. My first one shot "Already Gone" has over 100 reads and I'm really proud of that one as well. I took down my other book on this account because I realised I need to get my story straight before I could publish anymore so I'll be working on that and I'll most likely publish it again with all the chapters already written then I'll publish the chapters maybe every other day or something like that. Now I wanted to make an upload schedule, even though I know I probably won't stick to it at all. Just know that I'll try and upload a chapter at least twice a week, hopefully three if I can. That's all I wanted to say here, I kind of rambled a bit, anyway I'll see you in the next one shot...

Also because I deleted my one shots my reads have disappeared which is a little upsetting but hopefully I'll make up for it...

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