Wedding..s? (Part 1)

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This was Thomas' second time getting married. Last time, he'd been full of nerves and it was no different now.

Thomas was going to walk down that aisle just like he'd done so so so many years ago, when he was young and didn't know what the future held.

Of course Thomas was scared, I mean, everyone would be if they were having memories of his previous marriage and how it ended.

The memory started overwhelming him.

"I'll see you in ten. I love you Newt."

"I love you too Tommy. See ya after I get back, just milk, bread and some butter right?"

"Oh, we also need carrots."

"Okay. Bye Tommy, love ya."

"Love you too Newtie." Thomas brought Newt in for a quick kiss, one that now he wished he'd held for longer.

Newt walked out the door and unlocked the car, waving at Thomas before getting in. Everything was ready and Newt pulled out of the drive of their house and started driving down the road to the end of their street.

A feeling of uncertainty fled through Thomas, but it always did when he wasn't with Newt. Nothing was more powerful than their love and unbreakable bond.

Sure they had their arguments, but they were never overly serious. One of them always apologised.

After half an hour, Thomas got worried. Surely it didn't take that long to get some simple groceries, although it was not unlike Newt to overbuy.

Almost two hours later and Thomas was growing desperate. He'd sent a million messages and called almost a hundred times but Newt never answered, not once.

Eventually, his phone started ringing, Thomas saw the unknown number and answered it, hoping to hear Newt's British accent again.

"Hello, I'm Ava Paige from WICKED Hospital. Is this Thomas Isaacs, married to Newt Isaacs?" A lady was speaking, she sounded like she was in her forties, her tone gave nothing away.

"Yes it is. I-is he o-okay?" Thomas couldn't keep the fear out of his voice and was on the verge of tears.

"I'm afraid to inform you that Newt Isaacs is..." There was a two second pause and Thomas dreaded the words that would come next for years on end. "Newt Isaacs has passed. He died in a car crash assumably on the way home from grocery shopping as there was a bag of milk, bread, butter and a bottle of wine in the car."

"N-no. You're l-lying to m-me." Thomas didn't fight back the tears, he let them flow.

"I'm sorry, he was brought in an hour ago. There was nothing we could do. He died quickly, his ribs shattered against the steering wheel and pierced his heart."

"I d-don't need the d-details. G-goodbye." With that Thomas hung up and let his whole world crumble, fall, crash and burn around him.

His soulmate had died and his heart was ripped and torn, a huge hole formed right at the centre that grew and grew till there was nothing left.

Thomas vowed to himself to never love again. Until he found a book.

The book was a more of a notepad, it belonged to Newt. Thomas had never known about this so Newt must've kept it well hidden, but it was just lying on top of their bed.

Carefully Thomas opened it to where a pen had been shoved between the pages. It was a recent entry based on the date at the top.

It read. "If anything were to happen to me, I just hope Tommy will live on and find someone else to love. I can't have him dwell on the past and me. I have a feeling I won't be here much longer, it's the worlds way of telling me that all my wrongs need to be punished. This is why every time I leave I'll leave this in a place easy for Tommy to find, he won't go in here unless it's with me at night or because he's extremely emotional. I love you Tommy, with all my heart, no matter when your reading this, you will be at some point because I feel it in my bones. You know of my past and I can't see my future but it will end soon. I really wish I had longer to love you because you are the sunshine to my life and the light in the dark, my smile, my laughter, my everything. You mean more to me than words themselves can't begin to explain. I don't know how to get my feelings out to you other than just trying to get you to understand. When you told me that first day to take anything I wanted, I held your hand and said we're going home and when you said to me I'm always home with you my heart melted. After that you never had that much confidence to tell me something like that again but it was in the moment and I could tell you meant it. I am addicted to you, Tommy. I love you, no matter how many times it's been said, it'll never lose its meaning."

Just then the door opened and Thomas snapped out of the painful memory. Reaching his hand up to his face, he noticed the tears that were uncontrollably flowing out in great waterfalls.

Thomas' best friend Minho came in, he'd known Newt too. When Minho reaches Thomas all he said was. "This can't be easy. But I miss him too. You've also gotta take your ring off before you get married."

Thomas looked down to his left hand and looked at the ring, he never wore his engagement ring or any other ring, except his wedding ring. He wore Newt's on a necklace around his neck, never taking it off.

That ring would never come off of his finger, no matter if he was getting married again or not, it meant to much. If it came off, Thomas wouldn't cope, he wouldn't be able to carry on living.

"I don't care what they say. I'm wearing it." He said it with so much confidence that Minho looked a little surprised.

"Well, come on then." It was time, time to get married to Kyle.

All eyes were staring at him, his family, all that was left, were looking at him, knowing how hard it was for him to be going through with this.

Sure he and Kyle has been together for five years now and Newt's death was eight years ago, but it didn't change anything. He'd been with Newt since they were eleven, dating since they were fourteen and got married at twenty. The marriage lasted for six whole years.

Tears gently made their way down Thomas' face as he looked ahead and saw Kyle. The man he'd call husband after so many years of convincing himself he'd never be worthy.

Finally, Thomas reached the altar and turned to face Kyle, his built frame stood tall, he had soft features and plump lips. His eyes were golden, more green in some lights but looked like pure honey in the sun, just like Newt's had. His accent came out when saying, "I do." a sweet Scottish accent that Thomas had grown to love.

"Thomas Isaacs." He'd never changed his last name back to Green so he was still legally known as Thomas Isaacs. "Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Thomas took three deep breaths, something Newt always told him would help calm him. "I-"

"I object to this marriage."


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