Six Days, Three Hours, Ten Minutes

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If only it would go down slower, the shameless ticking, that practically deafened my ears whenever I thought about it, was doing my head in.

I wasn't ready at all, I couldn't care less what this timer says, within six days I'll most likely be dead anyway, seeing as my lungs keep wanting to give out. The hospital really shouldn't of let me out.

This whole soulmate thing has grown annoying, I was so excited when I learn what the ticking timer on my chest was, it's a shame I've had to wait almost eighteen years.

Maybe in another universe me met sooner and we actually got to be together before my lungs gave out one too many times.

What can I say, this is what happens when you're caught in a fire and almost get suffocated by the smoke, I mean if only my parents were still here to support me, but they're gone, gone in the fire.

I guess I'm curious to know who my soulmate is and why they haven't actually arrived yet, before the fire I was so eager for this counter to tick down to zero and then slowly fade away, but now all I'm going to be is a burden.


Five days left, only a matter of days left, but now was not the time to think about soulmates, I really need to get to the hospital as my breathing has been playing up lately.

As I arrived at the hospital I noticed there had been a few changes, one being the name and two being, the entire hospital. I'm sure I was at the right address and in one week I'm sure they couldn't of redone the whole hospital in that amount of time.

I walked in and immediately someone pulled me over, I recognised the nurse and asked what happened to the building and name and she had no idea and one night it suddenly just happened when people were on shift.

"Anyway Newt, why're you here? Is your breathing becoming too irregular? Do your lungs ache? Is there anything you need?"

"Well I mean, it's become a bit harder to breathe lately and I'd like to have a checkup because I'm afraid something might be wrong."

"Okay. Follow me then." Of course she had asked if something was wrong with my lungs, a lot of the nurses that had taken care of me worried for me, they most likely shouldn't though. There wasn't much point anyway.

I walked through many long corridors and hallways and up and down many different staircases until the nurse finally led me to a special room that had curtained windows and a little more privacy than others. They all knew how I felt about...well...everything.


Such a shame, the counter has reached three and yet they predict I have five days left to live. Something isn't right with me and I'm going to let down my soulmate as I was most probably intended to. I guess some things just aren't meant to be.

My lungs had failed again, this time it was worse than all the others, I guess I should've been more careful then I already was being. Everyone worries to much, they all need to calm down.

Even if there is a 27% chance of me surviving and a 6% chance of me surviving if I do too much exercise or eat too much or smoke anything or basically anything, I'm going to push through, just so I can see them.


No days left, just an hour, three minutes and twenty-seven seconds, now twenty-si-fiv-fo-thr- oh you get it. I don't know how I'm going to meet them, I'm not allowed to move and the only people allowed to visit is my family.

I only had my parents, there is no other family, my mum had an older brother but he passed away years ago due to cancer, all my grandparents were already dead and my parents died in that fire, along with my little sister, Lizzy.

Why everything in my life went wrong, I don't know, but what I do know is, my family's bloodline ends with me, it won't carry on as I will die in this hospital bed, my lungs collapsing once again.

Lazing around wasn't doing me any good, it made me think and I hated it. I got up carefully and slowly but surely got up and stood still. I took a few deep breaths, just to steady myself, and walked a little outside my door, stopping as I still had wires and all sorts connected to me; I found out the hard way that you can't disconnect those unless you want the whole hospital on you in seconds thinking you flatlined.

Unfortunately the wires stopped me from going any further than the doorway so I just stood there and waited until my timer ticked down and down and down.

Soon there were five seconds left and I counted them down in my head, I saw some movement in the corner of my eye and when I lifted my head up I heard my timer finish it's ticking as I looked into the eyes of a brown haired boy that I'd never seen before.

So this was my soulmate, he was perfect, but I knew I couldn't have him, not for long anyway.

He must've noticed me staring, because he made his way over to me and sat down in front of me. Yes, I had sat down within minutes of making it to the door.

"Why're you in here?" His voice was smooth and I loved it so much.

"My lungs keep collapsing, I'm dying, I'm sorry."

"Oh. My name's Thomas." Thomas' face lit up when he stated his name.

"Well my name is Newt, nice to meet you." He let out a small giggle at me name.

"Bit of an odd name, I like it. Nice to meet you too, finally."

"Yeah if only it could've been sooner."

"Yeah..." Suddenly I found it really hard to breathe and there was a beeping that was filling my ears, without thinking I pulled Thomas to me and kissed him, I felt the searing pain on my chest and saw a new timer, it burnt through my clothes, Thomas' too.

Mine had ten seconds left, while Thomas' had two months. When one soulmate is close to dying, two new timers appear, the time until their deaths.

"I love you, Thomas. And don't forget about me, but don't kill yourself because of me either, please Tommy, please. Promise me."

"I promise. I love you too, Newt, I'll never forget about you, even if we only knew each other for a few minutes, maybe fate just wasn't on our side."


"Goodnight." I felt my own timer reach zero as Thomas said his final words to me, the ringing startled me, but I soon fell deaf to it and passed, succumbing to death and facing the black veil that I don't want to pass, leaving my life behind me.

Eventually Thomas will join me, I just hope it's not for reasons such as suicide.

A/N: So this wasn't mean to be as sad as it is, but this happened. Thank you for almost 900 reads, like that's crazy honestly. I can't thank you guys enough for the support. I probably won't update for a bit because the wifi is really bad were I'm staying (I'm on holiday), and I'm going back to school soon so that sucks. By the way, the title is the time that Newt had left at the beginning of the story.

On a completely different note I started watching this new youtube channel called Danplan, it's really cool and I laugh so much, honestly.

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