Out Of Love

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I won't tell you I'm lonely

You've left me, I don't want to be alone, but I can't actually tell you, I wish I could

'Cause it might be selfish

You might think I'm selfish, who knows, I'm not going to take that risk

I won't ask you to hold me

I want so badly for your arms to be wrapped around me

'Cause that won't mend what's helpless

I am helpless without you, but a simple hug wouldn't cure that

There's not a thing I could say

No words can describe what I feel, so I never say anything

Not a song I could sing

Not a single song I've heard can sum up my emotions, but I guess I'll keep trying

For your mind to change

I could never change your mind and as much as I wish I could, I can't

Nothing can fill up the space

There's an empty hole that is unable to be filled without you, but I guess that's now my problem

Won't ask you to stay

You can leave if you must, I could never hold you back, even if I tell myself I should

But let me ask you one thing

Please just answer my one question, I can't get it out my mind

Oh, when did you fall out of love, out of love?

When did you fall out of love with me?

Oh, when did you fall out of love with me?

Please tell me when, I have to know, I must

I can't float in an ocean

I sink in any body of water, I can't float without you

That's already been drained

Every happy memory is flooded, but my eyes are drained from any tears and sadness

I won't cry at your feet now

Crying wouldn't solve anything, you'd just ask what's wrong, but you're not actually mine anymore

I know my tears will fall in vain

The tears I have cried shouldn't of fallen, I tried to stop, but they had a mind of their own, one connected very much to my feelings

There's not a thing I could say

Nothing comes to mind when I'm around you

Not a song I could sing

Melodies come and go but none quite fit what I actually feel

For your mind to change

Your mind can't be persuaded and I shouldn't try, you don't love me anymore

Nothing can fill up the space

Every hole is just reopened when it comes close to sealing, I guess nothing can actually mend a broken heart

Won't ask you to stay

You must go, I can't keep you, not when I'm like this

But let me ask you one thing

But, before you go, one question, please, just answer honestly and truthfully

Oh, when did you fall out of love, out of love?

When was it, when did I become unloved by you?

Oh, when did you fall out of love with me?

I can't actually stand it, please tell me

No use wondering

I guess I shouldn't ponder over it, nothing good comes from that, but I can't stop wondering

Why your changing heart has wandered

It never stopped changing, but I guess now it's fully decided

So I'll ask you this question

I have my answer, but I don't know if it's true, or if I want to believe it

'Cause it might help me sleep longer

Possibly I'd be able to sleep at night, rather than lying awake crying and unknowing

Oh, when did you fall out of love, out of love?

We've been together for years and years, I guess it isn't meant to be, no matter how much I wish it was

Oh, when did you run out of love for me?

But leading me on, for months, I guess I had it coming

Out of love (Out of love)

Just promise me one thing

Out of love (Out of love)

Don't forget me

Out of love with me

Because even though you fell out of love with me, I still love you.

A/N: Sorry it's sad, I guess it's just easier for me to write sad things.

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