I Showed You The World

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We travelled around the world, me and you. We visited so many places.

Do you remember when we started, as friends, not even lovers. We started in England, in London, your hometown, you told me every detail about all the places you knew growing up.

The smile on your face made my day and I knew I just had to make you mine. After a few days of looking around London we went to a small town called Rugby.

That night we looked at the stars, which were barely visible, and admired them. I turned to you and smiled with so much joy.

You turned to me and that's when I asked, I didn't think the smile on your face could get any wider, but it managed to and we were now boyfriends that would travel the world together, rather than friends.

We travelled around Europe first and my most treasured memories are the time we spent in France, Switzerland, Greece, Austria and Belgium.

In France we ate baguettes and croissants. We visited the Eiffel Tower and you took a picture where it looked like you held it in your hand.

We then went to Disneyland Paris and your face filled with admiration and joy at every little thing. Soon we were going on every ride with Mickey Mouse ears on our heads and kissing every chance we could.

Do you remember the time in France when we were talking to someone selling ice cream, you couldn't understand a word of what they were saying and it was so cute, they gave up and handed you an ice cream and in the best English possible said it was free.

I still laugh at those memories. Oh wait and the time you tripped on a stone and your rose fell out of your hand, the one I had given you just before. It got a little crushed, but you treasured it and tried to look after it nonetheless.

Maybe we should move onto another country. Oh, Switzerland. I remember crossing the border, you seemed so nervous for no reason, they let us go by fine and it was no different but it suddenly felt less romantic.

We didn't do much in Switzerland, but we went to this small park that had water fountains decorating it. You tried to do the monkey bars, they were a little too small for you.

That park was the place we first danced together, we stayed until it was dark. You turned on a song I hadn't heard of before, but the time calmed me and made me feel free.

We danced until our feet couldn't take it anymore, we had to get to a hotel quickly to avoid passing out, luckily there was one near by. We collapsed and slept in till two pm.

We laughed until our sides hurt. We joked about all the things we had done so far and all the things we would do, it was one of the highlights of our journey, sitting doing nothing and joking around.

Occasional kisses made it even better.

Eventually we left Switzerland though.

We went to other countries, but those are stories for other days. Another of my favourites was Greece. You always wanted to go there, I'm not really sure why.

That big place that was called Acropolis of Athens, that was a great trip. We laughed and joked and walked around, taking in all the views and breathing in the air.

Silence is never common between us, but at that moment I knew, silence was the best wish I could've asked for. I got to admire you.

We walked hand in hand and shared kisses when we could, when you did speak you English accent made my heart go crazy, like always.

It's too bad we had to leave, I could've stayed there for years if it meant I got to see your beauty compared to nature and the silence was calming and harmonious rather than awkward and daunting.

Our steps were in sync as we walked for hours on the streets, not wanting to settle down somewhere just yet.

We got so cold that our lips turned blue, our hands were shivering and our runny noses were bright red. Thankfully, we found a little motel, it was hidden on the corner of an alleyway.

It was a right gem, great customer service and amazing food, but none of it compared to your dazzling looks. I will forever be mesmerised.

Oh, do you remember the next morning. That was funny, the cleaning lady walked in on us waking up and she thought she was interrupting something.

She walked in and jumped so high I thought she might've broken the ceiling. We laughed while she hurried out, a little flustered.

Too bad only our top halves were naked but then again, we were only in boxers. We didn't do anything though, no that wasn't until it all finished, but that's way later.

Another of my favourite stops was Austria, we were there for two days only, but they were some of the best two days I've ever had.

Simply walking around for the first half of the first day was great and relaxing. It got a little boring though.

But it got interesting, we turned to go down an alleyway, big mistake, and ended up witnessing a woman having her purse stolen.

I called the police while you scanned the area and panicked. The robber had run off when they saw us but we just wanted this lady to be okay.

We spent the rest of our time there going from police station to police station, filing all sorts of reports and not understanding half of what anyone was saying. None of them spoke loads of English.

I can look back and laugh now, I can't remember now if the lady actually got her purse back, but I think she did. We were hero's and she had invited us for dinner the second day we were there.

It was an amazing dinner. We had to leave afterwards though, at this rate we'd be going no where because we'd spent too much time in other countries.

We have that lady so many hugs and she was like our temporary sister, I think her name was Brenda or something. She was so nice and always made sure you were okay, even if you obviously were.

We went to so many places and the very last stop was Belgium, a nice country that I'm not sure I'd go back to if I really wanted.

We were in a very deep love at this point, there was no denying it. But the reason I'm not a big fan of Belgium is because that's where we had our first fight.

It was over something stupid, I accidentally used the rest of shampoo and we ended up fighting about it. The argument then turned to why we loved each other so much.

We realised that night, we were in love and there was no way out, it was safe to say we resolved that fight.

The rest of our time in Belgium went well, it wasn't exactly the best as it was raining for most of it, but we had fun.

Splashing each other with water, kicking it up from the puddles onto the other one's legs. I don't think I've laughed so hard when you tried to kick up the water and slipped and feel right into the puddle, soaking wet.

Of course I helped you up, but we couldn't contain our laughter and I ended up falling with you. Together we managed to get up and we were even more drenched by the rain that continued to fall.

At least it was a good way to resolve a fight, we kissed with so much passion and it filled my heart with joy to know that you love me and care for me, no matter what.

After Europe we decided to go to Asia, but that's a story for a different time as we started that in Turkey, well that could count as our official last stop of Europe but we spent about an hour there.

Anyway, I should probably stop remembering because we need to put our daughter to bed and try to resist the urge of making love whilst watching a movie. I love you Newt, I know you love me too because I'm your Tommy.

A/N: This is a really long one, tell me if you want me to do a part for like each continent because that was my original plan but I don't know if I'll go through with it. I might.

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