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"Rise and shine!"


The End.

That's what you don't want to happen, abrupt and sudden endings, no detail and little context, two simple sentences, just like two echoed sentences that travel through my mind.

"They're dead. We don't know why."

What was the matter with them, they shouldn't of suddenly died, if you didn't know why then look into it, don't abruptly stop and not give me a detailed and deserved ending.

They were my best friends, they were lovers. At least they were together, forever.

More detail.

"Rise and shine," Newt, with his ever-growing blonde locks, British accent and dashing, yet young, looks, spoke with glee and excitement, unaware of the future days events, just wanting to get his lazy, tired husband out of bed.

Thomas would not comply and gave off a grunted, "no!" before burying his mop of brown hair into the pillow, proceeding to cover his ears with said pillow and fall back to sleep, uncomfortable but peaceful.

Slowly, Newt shook Thomas' body, wanting to show his love what he'd done. Anxious to show off the magnificent food that was called breakfast, all prepared and presented, ready to be eaten. Taking abut twenty minutes, Thomas finally got up and got ready; finally they made their way downstairs, together.

As soon as Thomas' intricate hazel eyes laid themselves on the platters of varieties of foods, his mouth watered. Not being able to wait for a minute longer Newt's own honey brown eyes observed Thomas and started to drag him towards the different breakfast foods.

Both started with hash browns and fried eggs.

Neither could hold back before they had almost everything either eaten or stored in the fridge for safekeeping, it would most likely turn into their lunch after their coffee date later on.

Little did they know, that food would never enter their mouths, as after they finished their coffee date, they drove back and never left the road, a mangled mess dropped straight in the middle, limbs tangled together, blood mixed and swirled like shades of red paint. Splatters of the red gloop thrown randomly.

A nightmare if you've ever seen one.

The End.

Thankfully, now I had an explanation, but it would never bring them back, they were long gone and hopefully happy together, smiles and affection, hugs and kisses, angels hidden within the stars.

I'll look out for them; I'll try to spot them.

Every single night.

~ Minho

A/N: had a little idea soooo, thought i'd use it, it hasn't been an overly long time since i last updated but i feel quite a bit better than i did, not exactly overly good but better.
(that's what i meant by the title btw)

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