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Steve was at the penthouse in two hours. How he got there so fast, Tony didn't ask.

"You know, I really don't deserve you being here, after all that I said. Some of it was true but some of it was just hurt and...I'm sorry Steve. It means the world to me that you're here now."

Steve shrugged. "I deserved it. How about we call it even?"

Tony nodded. "Now onto the real issue. I need to find y/n, do you have any idea of where she could be?"

"I think Bucky may know a few under-the-radar bases."

Steve walked away to call Bucky. After a few minutes of talking, Tony heard Steve say, "I love you, goodbye."

When Steve walked back in, Tony had a stupid smirk on his face.

"What?" asked Steve.

"You and Bucky...you're a thing now?"

Steve went red and scratched his arm awkwardly. "Yeah, I...I thought you already knew."

"I figured, but my gaydar can be off sometimes. Anyways, did he give you anything?"

"Coordinates. He also sent me some codes he remembers from his red book; it's got some information that might be useful."

"Well, lay it on me."

Tony and Steve spent the next eight hours relaying information to the FBI and investing whatever they could themselves.

As the number of options dwindled, it wasn't looking very hopeful. It seemed like they really might not ever find you.

Steve noticed Tony was looking more and more exhausted as the night went on.

When Steve could tell it was getting too much, he spoke up. "Tony, why don't you go to bed and I'll keep looking. You need to get some sleep."

"I'll be alright, the faster we find where she is, the faster we can get her out of that hellhole."

"But we can't get her out if you can barely function. Please, or I'll get Pepper to make you go to bed."

"Pepper isn't here," said Tony calmly, flipping to the next page in his notes.

"Does she know about y/n?" Steve asked.

"No, and it's going to stay that way for now. She's stressed enough as it is with her job, and she's got a baby coming, I can't let her take this on."

"Sounds like you guys have got a lot on your plate."

Tony scoffed. "Yeah, that sums it up."

Steve tried to be as quiet as possible in case Tony managed to fall asleep. Luckily for him, the moment came and Tony's head rested on the table.

Steve's heart skipped a beat when Tony's phone buzzed for fear it would wake him up, but typical Tony kept snoring.

Steve turned it over out of curiosity and read a text from 'Pester Parker' that read:

Hey, sorry I'm late, but I snuck from Aunt May's and I'm here.

Steve read the text again and again trying to figure out who it was, but after a long time of thinking he just gave up and went to the door.

He peeked through the peephole and spotted a child on the other side.

He didn't recognize him until after he opened the door and saw him clearly.

"Ahhh, you're the kid," said Steve as he invited Peter inside.

"Yes sir, Mr....uh...Steve?" said Peter, confused.

One Dance 2: Invincible Where stories live. Discover now