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WARNING: From here on out, there are major Endgame spoilers. Do not read ahead if you have not seen Endgame.

You didn't dream the rest of the night. You got dressed and went downstairs to meet the rest of the team.

Only Natasha and Tony were awake. Tony was attached to an IV and did not look very well.

Natasha perked up when you entered the room, so you decided to sit next to her.

"We're going to visit the planet Thanos is on. We're hoping to get the stones back," she said once you'd sat down.

"And you can bring everyone back, right? If you get the stones?"

"Yes," she nodded. "But getting them isn't going to be easy."

"I know. Who's going?"

"We all are," said Steve, making you jump a little. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. Everyone except you and Tony, of course."

Before you could protest, you heard Tony say, "It's for the best. They can handle it and, remember, we talked about this. Unnecessary danger."

"Dad, we're talking about possibly bringing back Mom and Peter. You don't think that's a cause worthy of fighting for?"

"I do think it is. But like I said, I'm not risking your safety. Not when they have it under control."

You hated to admit it, but he was right. What was left of the Avengers could probably handle it, even without Tony.

You weren't sure how, because last time hadn't gone so well, but you had faith. You just knew.

When they had left to go get the stones, you and Tony sat across from each other at the table. You were deciding whether or not to open up about your dream.

"y/n?" You heard.


"Did you know your mother was pregnant?" The question caught you really off guard.

"I had a hunch," you said.

"That day in the park, you know, she told me. Told me we had a baby on the way."

You focused on the table.

"I was happy because I was going to have a baby with the love of my life," he said. "But then I realized how this child was probably going to end up like you."

You froze and looked up at him. "What?" you asked, genuinely hurt.

He must have caught on because he quickly corrected himself. "No, no, that's not what I meant. I meant they would be in danger because of me. No matter how far away I keep my suit, I'll always be Iron Man. And my family will always suffer from it."

"But now? The world's broken. Who's going to threaten you now? Who's going to hurt those you love?"

"Thanos. He already took them."

You frowned. "Well you can at least hope that the child ends up like me. Smart, stubborn, and a damn good fighter."

Tony chuckled. "I'm still praying for the day when you finally just do what I ask you to do." He smiled at you. "Just don't get yourself hurt."

You smiled and remembered what you had meant to say.


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