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He pulled you close to him and kept you as close as he could to your body. You were so close it felt like your bodies might become one.

"I missed you so much," you said, sniffling.

"Wait, what?" he pulled away but kept his hands on your waist. "It's only been a day or two. And you look so tired, did you not get sleep last night?"

"No, Pete, it hasn't been a day. You were gone for nearly two hundred days."

"But it was only a few minutes, I thought I'd just passed out...."

"I'll explain later. Just come on, you're bleeding and I need to get you fixed up."

"It can't be that bad," he said, reaching up to touch it. When he saw his hand again his fingers were red.

"Okay, maybe it is bad."

You giggled and led him inside.

"Is Mr. Stark okay? Is he...alive?"

"He's right in here," you said.

Tony spotted him and immediately pulled him close.

"Thank God you're okay, kid."

"I'm fine Mr. Stark, but I need to get bandaged up, I think my head is bleeding badly."

Tony let him go. "Y/n'll fix it." He lightly grabbed your shoulder. "I'm going to go find Pepper, I'll be back."

Before you could answer him, his suit spread over his body and he was in the sky.

"Come on. The team's waiting inside."

Peter followed you inside and past the team in the kitchen.

"They're back?" Said Scott, going outside.

You led Peter into the elevator; he was probably exhausted and you didn't think he wanted to take the stairs.

Peter followed you to your room but stopped at the door.

"Y/n?" he said. You turned in his direction then realized the problem.

Your room was a mess; papers everywhere, empty test tubes and even a few surgical needles.

"What have you been...doing?"

"Well, I've been trying to find a way to get you back, and the tubes are for a serum I'm trying to perfect."

"Y/n, I thought you were done with all this serum stuff. What if Hydra found out you were alive, and then found all this information on you?"

"Peter, you don't need to worry about that right now—"

"No, y/n, I do because I don't want you to...I don't—"

His eyes fluttered and he began to fall over. You ran and caught him before he could hit the floor.

"Bruce!" You yelled. "Bruce!"

Bruce came up the stairs searching for who had called him. He saw you holding Peter's limp body and rushed over.

He carried him down the stairs and into the room Tony had once occupied.

He attached Peter to various machines and started an IV.

Only minutes later, Bruce came out. "He's okay, just needs some rest. I think he was just weak from blood loss. We're transfusing some into him now."

"Can I go in?"

"Sure, just try not to wake him. Let me know if anything happens."

You nodded and went into Peter's room. He was peacefully asleep, at rest like he should be.

One Dance 2: Invincible Where stories live. Discover now