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You woke up alone and cold in your bed. When you turned over, Peter was already gone. You didn't freak out; you just figured he was already awake and probably downstairs.

You went through your daily routine; brushed your teeth and hair, got dressed, made your bed.

When you had finished with everything, you headed downstairs.

Pepper was awake, sipping on some decaf coffee. She missed her usual caffeine, but the baby came first.

"Morning, mom."

"Morning, honey. Peter's in the living room, if you're looking for him."

"I'm looking for food first."

Your mom chuckled. "There's a bunch of stuff in the pantry...I think there might be some pancake batter if you want some. I'd make you breakfast but your I need to go wake your dad."

"It's alright, I can make it myself. You have a lot on your mind."

She gave you a quick smile and a hug before going back upstairs.

You made yourself some breakfast and walked into the living room. Peter was on the couch watching the news.

"I don't think it's a good idea to be watching that. It's just depressing."

He turned at the sound of your voice quickly, but relaxed once he realized it was you.

You joined him on the couch and put a T.V table on your lap so you could eat without being messy.

"Did you eat already?" you asked Peter.

"No," he said quietly.

"I'll go make you something," you said, putting the tray on a nearby table.

"No, no, it's okay. I'll eat in a bit. You go on ahead and eat."

You placed the tray back on your lap. "You okay?"

He nodded. "It's just a lot, seeing everything that happened."

You grabbed his hand. "It's going to be okay, Peter. Thanos is gone...from here on out it's just rebuilding what he ruined."

"I know. But everything that happened...everything we lost...I remember how it felt. I know you spent all that time without me...I don't understand how anyone could be fine."

"You thought I was fine last night?"

He raised his eyebrows. "I suppose not, no."

"Exactly. Now cuddle with me, I'm cold."

You finished up the last of your breakfast and snuggled up to him. He just laughed and put his arm over you, rubbing circles on your back.

"I know you want to get off the topic, but I just remembered: how are we going to get the stones back to their timelines?"

"We just go back. Bruce and my dad are trying to make sure it's still going to work, and then they'll decide on who will return the stones."

He nodded. "You're not thinking of going, right?"

You laughed. "Do you even know me? Of course I want to go. But you know Tony, he'll never let me."

"Well, yeah, I wouldn't let you go either if I could stop you."

You kissed his cheek and laid back against him. You grabbed the remote and began flipping through channels.

"Hey, I was watching that."

"Not anymore. We've been hurt enough; watching the carnage from another point of view isn't going to help."

He huffed, but got over it quickly once you'd put on The Amazing World of Gumball.

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