d i r t y t h i r t y

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The smell of salt filled the atmosphere as the sounds of the waves crashing calmed their thoughts.

Snowlene could only think of this place at the moment to bring Chris to, after having him reveal Liandra got rid of the baby, she was just as angry as him.

The beach was always her calming place to come to so why not bring an important person to her such as Chris?

He hasn't spoken a word since they arrived to the beach nearly an hour ago. They just sat on the sand, watching the moonlight reflect off the surface of the ocean.

Snowlene wouldn't say the silence was uncomfortable but she wanted to know what was running through Chris' head, and how was he taking this all in.

"What's wrong? I can tell by your facial expression that you're over thinking something."

Licking his lips, Chris shrugged nonchalantly." Not really...just trying to get my emotions in check." His voice came out soft and raspy.

"Don't keep your thoughts to yourself Chris, it's better to let them out and talk about it than keeping hidden."

As if a door was opened to let out his emotions, the words started spilling from his lips and I couldn't seem to stop.

"It feel so fucking unreal...I knew some shit was up when she wasn't answering none of my messages or keeping me updated about the baby, then as if she knew I was gonna see it. She...She posts a video on her instastory of her at a damn club drunk!"

Snowlene jumped when he punched the sand beneath them, but she didn't do anything but listen.

"..I was always against abortion. I was four when my mama fell pregnant by my father for the second time. They wasn't at good place during their relationship and he...He aint want the baby, but my mama refused to get an abortion..."

Snowlene tenses," W-What did he do?"

Chris shakes his head and looks out the the ocean as his jaw clenched." He beat her and she lost the baby, he didn't want a child by her because he was messing with another women. For the longest I hated my father...then, Liana kills my child because I ain't wanna be in a relationship with her. I showed up to her house and when she revealed she aborted my seed, I lost it...I was throwing shit around and was so close to hitting her..." he stops to take a breath." But she threatened to call the cops so I left. I went to all those appointments, I was happy to be a father, to have a minni me... I have the ultrasound in my draw man, I-I heard the heartbeat of my child!"

His voice cracked with each word, this was really hurting him and Snowlene really wanted to pull up on sis Liana and smack the shit outta her.

Scooting close enough until their legs were touching, Snow grabbed his shaking hand in order to comfort him.

Staring into his eyes, she smiled lightly hoping to get one in return but got nothing back and it hurt her to see him hurt.

"I hate seeing you like this, I really want to hurt Liana right now." She pouts.

Chuckling lightly, Chris shakes his head." Don't do nothing but be here for me."

"Aren't I always? No matter what Chris, you're gonna make, you gotta keep your head above surface."

His eyes lit up when she repeated the same words he had said to her. Meshing their foreheads together he kisses her softly.

"You're so good to me..." he whispers." All that shit that hangs above me, yet you stayed."

"Because I care...I care a lot for." She says, stroking his jawline, before placing a soft peck on his lips.

Chris bites his bottom lip," let's go to my place."

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