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"Hey, where you going?" Nadia asked, looking up from her laptop as Snow came trotting downstairs with a bag on her back.

"Over to Chris. He's back in Chicago and he wanted us to chill at his house." She explains.

Nadia skeptically looks at her niece, she's noticed how close her and Chris have gone. Everynight she would hear Snow giggle on the phone with Chris. But she wasn't going to bring up her assumptions, especially to Snowlene.

"Okay...be back by eleven. Oh and your mother sent this." Nadia grabbed the brown wrapped package from beside her." I don't know what it is."

Taking the box, Snowlene examined it for any note but it had nothing but brown wrapping paper and a string tied securely around it. She shook the box before starting to rip the wrapping paper. Pulling the lid open a small smile formed on her face at the object inside.

"What is it?" Nadia asked, adjusting the black frames on her face.

Picking up the photo frame, Snowlene turned it for her to see the picture of her and her dad. He held eight year old Snowlene in his arms as big smiles were on both their faces. She remembered her mother taking this photo.

"C'mon now, my babies. The wind is picking up." Gabriella squealed, holding onto her sun hat while the camera hung loosely around her neck.

"Come my princess, big smiles." Diego says, crouching down to Snowlene's height who sported a bright pink costume and her hair in two pigtails.

"Then can we swim daddy?" She pouted, ever since they arrived at the beach she's been dying to swim but her mama and pa seem to want to take pictures.

"Si mi prencesa. But first one picture with daddy. Okay?" Snow nods, wrapping her arms around Diego's neck and smiling widely to reveal her front tooth missing.

Gabriella holds the camera up as the wind blows harder and you can smell the salt in the air from the sea.

"Okay...Say cheese mis amores!"

Snowlene yelled out "cheese" aswell as Diego as they heard the shutter of the camera.

A sigh left her lips, how she loved the beach. Especially going with her dad and they would play in the sea and make sand castles until the sun started to set.

"I'll tell her you got the gift. Go ahead to Chris." Nadia cooes noticing the unsettling emotions in Snow's eyes.

But Snowlene gets herself together, not wanting to shed any tears in front of her aunt she sends a quick smile before exiting the house.


Chris filled the dog bowls with dog chunks, now mentally putting the last check mark on his to-do list. He's been doing a lot of house chores since Allison went back to her home city to visit her sick mother.

"Y'all niggas better be on your best behaviour when Snowlene get here." Chris says to King and Red who were munching on their dog food.

He just got back to Chicago about a week ago [A/N: *hits shmoney dance like it ain't old*] , and after busying in the studio and working out tour dates he freed a Saturday for him and Snowlene to chill and watch movies. Chris found out she had a sweet tooth and got all types of candy, and because he didn't know what movie she liked exactly he got a few horrors and action movies. Also, he discovered she was a smoker. When in Virginia, they did one of their late night facetimes and he was smoking a blunt.( in the back yard of course, Joyce don't play that shit) Somehow they ended up talking about marijuana and Snowlene convinced Chris, by batting her eyelashes and biting her lip,  to get some weed for them to smoke later on. He honestly only did it because he wanted to see her smoking game, he's never met a lot of female smokers especially young one's like Snow. Chris knew he was getting closer with Snowlene and he didn't mind.

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