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Snowlene looked up from the suitcase in her hand and to her mother,Gabriella, who was on the phone with her sister.

"...Yes we're on our way to the airport now."

"Okay, just let me know when she lands so I can have a car waiting for her." She heard her aunt on the other side of the phone.

"Okay, thanks so much again Nadia for keeping her. I think life will be better for her,there in Chicago."

Rolling her eyes Snowlene slouched further down on the couch as she typed away on her blue Samsung S10. She had a few messages from mostly her friends wishing her a happy New Year.


Happy New Year love.
Can't believe I'm starting my
2019 with you leaving me.💔

Sighing, Snowlene read the message from, Josè, her boyfriend of two years. He must have been one of the hardest people to say goodbye to, aside from her bestfriend Harley.

I know, I'll miss you. Don't,
forget me. Te amo.

I never will my love.❤💫.

Aww. Snowlene cooed in her head, sniffling,her thumbs go to type her reply when she's stopped by her name being called. Looking up, she meets the eyes of her mother.

"We have to get going, you're flight is leaving in an hour." Gabriella says grabbing one of her daughter's bag.

Checking the time, Snowlene realises it just striked seven at night. Standing up she pockets her phone and grabs the handle bar of her red suitcase

Exiting what used to be her home, Snowlene walks down the driveway waiting behind the SUV for her mother to pop the trunk. Once she does, they pile her bags into the trunk before slamming the boot shut.

Gabriella hops into the driver's side while she watches intently as her daughter slides into the passengers seat. She sighs as she starts the car, ready to drive the long distance towards the airport.

"No queria hacer esto." Gabriella says speaking in her native tongue.Keeping her eyes on the road as she switched her windshield wipers on. The weather seemed to match her inner mood,with the rain, cold wind and grey sky.

Snowlene stared out the window, watching as the rain slowly slid down the glass in a comforting manner." Then why are you doing this mama?" Her voice comes out quiet.

Opening her mouth to say something, she opted against it and shook her head." I...just want the best for you, and," Gabriella takes a deep breath to keep her tears in.",and Mexico is not what's best for you."

Squeezing her eyes shut, Snowlene tried to start the painful acheing in her heart as she finally realised she was leaving everything she knew and going to a whole new world.

Gabriella knew this was best for her daughter,even if it meant taking away everything she ever knew. Ever since the passing of her husband,Diego, five years ago she noticed the sudden change in her daughter. In the city of Mexico, Snowlene found herself falling into a deep depression once losing her father who she was very close to, at the age of thirteen. She had started drinking and smoking in order to take away the mental pain and once Gabriella had found out,she was urgently finding ways to help out her only daughter. With spending money on countless therapist sessions and on rehab, that was not helping, Gabriella thought it would be better to send Snowlene to her sister,Nadia,who had left Mexico in order to persue a dream in fashion designing. Now famously known for her clothes,Nadia has accepted in keeping her niece all the way in Chicago,in order to help her crawl out of this dark hole she fell in.

Minutes turn into hours and Snowlene finds herself growing sadder as the airport can be seen. Her eyes sting with tears, but she fights to hold them back.Don't show emotion Snowlene.Don't.

Retrieving her bags from the trunk, Gabriella asists her daughter with carrying her luggage as they enter the airconditioned airport.

Planning weeks prier, Gabriella had already bought a ticket offline for her daughter to save her from having to stand in the long line.

As they sit, waiting for their plane number to be called, Snowlene busies herself on her phone by talking to her bestfriend.


I'm at the airport.

Wow, this is real. You're
really leaving me!😭💔

Snowlene lightly chuckles, as she pulls the strings of the oversized hoodie Josè had given her. Sadly, her bestfriend and boyfriend never knew of the deep depression she was dealing with. Snowlene was never the type to express her darkest moments, but instead would put a fake smile on her face. Hell,Harley and Josè thinks she's leaving because her mother got offered a job in Chicago, if only they knew, she could see them trying to stop her from going and attempting to get her some help.

"Will all Mexico to Chicago boarders please start making your way to plane forty-three!"

No. This was it, she was really leaving home.

Standing, Gabriella shakily grabs her daughter's bags as they make their way towards where her ticket will be scanned.

"Hello ma'am ,I hope you have a great flight." The mexican women genuinly smiles as she takes Snowlene's ticket who gives her a weary smile back.


Turning around,Gabriella instantly embraces her daughter, both of them letting out fresh tears as they sway back and forth.

"Te quiero mucho mama." Snowlene croaks, letting go of her mother.

Gabriella smiles, wiping away her daughters tears from her freckled cheeks." Te amo mi bebè."

"Ma'am the flight will be leaving soon."

Snapping back into the painful reality, Snowlene grabs the bar of her suitcase and swings her bag over her shoulder. Smiling once more, Gabriella's heart breaks when seeing her daughter disappear towards the plane.

"I love you baby! Don't you ever forget it!" She yells out, playing with her fingers, but unfortunately she doesn't get a reply back.

"The plane will be taking off in five minutes so will everybody please relax and make sure you have buckled up." I rather calm voice speaks through the intercom.

Situated by a window seat, Snowlene couldn't stop the salty tears running down her face as she stared out the window. Her nerves were on edge as the plane shook lightly when it had took off.

Gabriella watched the plane take off, through the large windows, holding her hand over her heart.

Snowlene watched as she left behind her friends and family, her heart shattered into a million pieces, that would take more than just glue and tape to put back together.

Once ontop of the clouds, Snowlene sighed when not seeing her city.

Adios Mexico.


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