I'm Sorry

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Jade's (P.O.V)

i could see the light and it was nothing like i expected. the wolf above me began to blur out as the light grew brighter than stopped. i thought it was my end but opening my eyes fast i realized it wasn't. something tackled the wolf down. the wolf's cry was loud as it pierced me ears. i think it was telling me your not dead get the fuck up!

i got up as fast as i could. my back hit the truck of the tree. i was panting as i tried to calm down. i looked to my right and the little girl was still there scared. she was shaking like a little rag doll. her eyes though followed something, making her flinch every few seconds. turning my attention away from her i saw the rogue fighting another. the wolf fighting the rogue was him.

his dark brown fur was turning ugly brown and his stench was almost unbearable like the rogue. the wolfs fought. he snapped at the rogue aiming for his neck but missing as the rogue kept himself guarded. the growls made me fear his life as i couldn't do anything but stay still. my injury ached at my body side and moving wasn't possible for me. a whimper drew back my attention. the rogue had him by the neck. my breath hitched as i could see what was happening. 

"Lucas!!!" i lifted my arm and stopped the rogue in seconds. the rogue was frozen as i held my hold on him.

"Lucas! Get away now I cant hold him long!" Lucas shook off the rogue and got out of his grasp. but Lucas was bleeding badly and hurt. my magic wasn't holding on and it wasn't helping my condition by using it. i couldn't catch my breath. i lost control of my magic losing my grasp on the rogue. i held on to the tree truck as best of my abilities but even then my legs were so shaky

"Jade!!" snapping back towards the rogue he comes charging toward me. my eyes open wide as i couldn't believe it. but just as the rogue went in my direction he change in a blink of an eyes to my right.  i couldn't believe it as her scream filled my ears. i use what little strength i had left and shield the girl. the rogue slammed into the barrier around her as he could not touch her while i had strength. he slammed the barrier multiple times before Lucas bite the rogues left leg. the rogue quickly reacted and snapped at Lucas.

"help me!" the little girl yelled as she was turning  green. moving just an inch my shield on her weaken. i cursed my stupid weakness i need my wolf i needed her more than ever before. tears wield in my eyes. more whimpers were hear than before but once i looked i wished i had never had. the rogue had Lucas in his canines by the neck. the snap was too loud. Lucas body went limp as though asleep. i kept in my screams though her's weren't stopped. i looked away and saw the wolf again going for my shield. it broke shortly and along with it my last of my strength.

"help!!!" the little girl screamed again. i could only watch as white tackled the rogue!! she stood firm in front of the little girl protecting her as the rogue bared his teeth. the rogue goes for an attack but white charges him on the spot. she fights against him and get him down. she quickly snaps his neck and its over. i let my body fall as its was over. i lay on the base of the trunk and try to catch my breath. i relax against the tree then reality hit me again. my tears ran across my face.

crawling all the way towards his body. there is no movement no rise and fall of a heart beat. not even a warmth coming off his body. he was dead. Lucas was dead. i hugged his body as i cried over his death. he saved my life and i didn't even get to thank him for it. even after all we had been through he gave his life to protect me and that little girl. even after everything that happen he was my first love and now he was gone. sorry for not being your real mate but i hoped you knew i loved you.

"why did you have to die. you could have had a life! you could have found your mate! you could have been happy!" my sobs were becoming overwhelming. i felt a small tug of my shirt. i looked and saw that little girl that Lucas saved. tear stains were on her face and her dark brown eyes were swollen and red. i hugged her as i need human warmth or else i think i would go mad.

"don't worry lad white will take care of you! thank you for saving me." even after all what happen the little girl was taking it all much better than me. i gave her a small weak smile and looked over to white. she stood there her white fur covered in that rogue's blood. the crimson in a strange way looked beautiful against her white fur. i moved the little girl aside and looked at white in her blue eyes.

"hi white. i missed you. i'm so sorry for letting you go. will you forgive me?" white stared at me. i knew i looked defeated and worse than death. i stared at her pleadingly and she shook her head yes. i knew i shouldn't have but i started crying again. white nudged me with her nose as she explained to me to stop. 

"yes you right i shouldn't cry." my weak smile made her whimper. i hugged her and i felt complete. a white light began to shine so bright. white began to disappear into a shimmering light and that light slowly went inside me. i was beginning to feel hole. the light went away as it all disappeared into my body. seconds later after the light died out i heard. 

"it took you fucking long enough!" i could help myself and laugh at it. i just missed hearing her in my head all the time. 

"i missed this too, but jade we have to move. that little girl is important! people are after her as we speak. those rogues were only the beginning. i was fighting others that were after her. Jade she is important to us. i saved her  but something about her tells me to protect her at all cost. can you feel it?" there was a moment but i could feel the strong connection towards the child. white was right and we had to leave. 

i grabbed the girl and took off running. i'm so sorry Lucas goodbye forever.







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