Do I even have a brain!

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So I know I promised I would update and I did, but just a bit later than expect. So sorry but I hope you all ENJOY ALRIGHT!




Dimitri’s (P.O.V)

“Dude are you serious! Where let me see!” I growl at James. What the fuck! He wanted to see my mate naked! Now he’s just crossing the line.

“Calm down Dimitri I was . . .just joking.” He said joking my ass he’s seen her! I still didn’t stop the death glare I was sending the bastard. Serious what the fuck! She is my mate!

“Dimitri are you sure you saw her and not some other chick that was just doing the walk of shame?” motherfucker!

“What the fuck dude, I’m not blind I clearly saw it was her! All of her!” the image of her was still engraved in my mind and I didn’t care.

“Seriously shit! Then what the fuck are you doing here man! Go after her!” if only it was that easy.

“I cant man.” Why couldn’t I just not have found her? It would have been a lot easier for her to never have met me or I her.

“Dude don’t start with that shit! You finally found your mate. Don’t lose her because of her. She wouldn’t want you to be unhappy.” But it was my fault I messed up her life and I just couldn’t mess up my mate’s with my own problems.

“Man you know I have fucked up and I don’t deserve to be forgiven, . . .  but I do want to be with my mate. But how the fuck would that work! Think about it! How would do you think she would react finding out about my mate!”

“Dimitri calm down. Your right I don’t really know how she would react but you can’t give up on your mate. It will kill you no matter how  she react! She’s just to special we both know that.” my mate should have gotten someone better than me. A mate that is worthy of her unlike myself.

“Quit mopping and go out there,” James said. But I didn’t realize when the motherfucker already had me out the door!  I banged on the door before giving up and wondering around. Looking for my mate would be hopeless. Like before she covered up her scent so I had no idea where to start to look. I walked around the training area to find most of the guards were training. 

I walked for a long time just thinking of a damn plan that would most likely not end up with me being attacked by my mate even though it was hot, I just didn’t want to be on the receiving end again, it hurt like a bitch! Just remembering how easily she took me down brought shiver to my body in an odd way. I kept walking around and noticed that I was lost.

“Oh is that you dear prince?” who the fuck? But of course it was a woman. She stood next to a tree with a very short skirt that almost covered nothing. Along with a shirt that was way to tight in her breast area that made them look like they were fucken going to burst! Her blond hair was down her back touching her butt almost. Her pale skin looked so unhealthy it was disgusting, along with these washed out blue eyes that once may have looked nice. But she was nothing compare to my beautiful mate that had everything and more than I could ever asked for, she is perfect.

“Oh it is you prince!” the blond said in a very annoying voice it was irritating. As she wanted towards me in what girls called a struck trying to show off a pair of really pale legs. Tearing my gaze away from the disturbing sight, her blue eyes were on me and I could see she was checking me out.

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