~ Chapter 32 ~

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"A little birdie told me that you had a bit of an argument in the ladies'" Yuna spun around on her chair with an amused but worried look spread across her face.

"How did you find out?!" I spluttered, stopping in my tracks to sit down next to her desk.

"Hoseok hears everything, there's no point pretending that nothing happened."

"Yeah, you should have told us Seolhyun. We know who those girls are it wouldn't be hard to report them." Mina suggested.

"They're in market research right?" I asked and pondered on whether I should report them to HR or not.

The girls nodded in agreement before I interrupted them.

"Actually, let's just leave it. It's not that what they did wasn't childish or anything but I don't want to stir up any more trouble than I already have done."

"They haven't been doing their work well recently anyway." A deep voice appeared from around the corner. The three of us looked up to see Yoongi.

"Yoongi? You know too?" I sighed.

"I'm kind of their boss so I'll have to take responsibility, don't worry you're practically giving me a good excuse to fire them here and now. You and Jungkook have done me a favour."

"Well, I suppose if you put it that way..."

"Ah that reminds me, there's a marketing proposal that I need to give to Jungkook; you and Jungkook actually."

"What's that?" I asked with curiosity.

"I'll surprise you in a few days." Yoongi smiled his gummy smile.


"So, let me get this straight. You want me and Jungkook to get married?" I looked at Yoongi and Jimin in disbelief as we sat in a cafe nearby to the office.

"It's a good opportunity! The more stable his appearance to the public the more trustworthy the company seems. He is the focus of the brand afterall." Jimin explained with an enthusiastic smile painted across her face.

"I don't know about this..."

"I don't think I'm ready for marriage, and I don't want to marry someone just because it will increase profits."

"I understand Seolhyun." She gave me a small smile.

"But, at least go public as a couple. Everyone already knows afterall." Yoongi tried to convince me with a persuasive tone.

"Maybe, but this is all very personal."

"Jungkook seems very keen." Jimin commented.

"He what?!"

"He seemed very keen on the idea of marrying you, or at least going public with your relationship."


It was finally the end of a long day and I hadn't seen Jungkook since the early morning as both of us had so many tasks to get through.

"So, you saw the new marketing proposal? What do you think?" He asked as we went down the elevator at the end of the working day.

"I don't like it, I'm not a marketing tool."

"I know you're not~ you're my babygirl, you know that." He stole a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey! Be careful, someone might see."

"Let them see, I want the world to know that you're mine Seolhyun, married or not." We paused at the entrance of the company building. I gave Jungkook a soft smile; understanding his opinion on the matter and possessive nature.

Everyone seemed to know now anyway, what was the harm in going public?

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted the two girls from Yoongi's department who had picked on me. They were each carrying the contents from their desks in cardboard boxes. Wow, he really did fire them afterall.

Their jealous, angered stares followed me as they came closer.

Fuck it.

I kissed my boyfriend's lips sweetly and took his hand into mine. For a brief moment he wore a shocked expression before finding comfort in the fact that I wasn't afraid to reveal our relationship anymore.

Let them be jealous. Their words can't hurt me.

The Boss' Personal Secretary [Jungkook X Seolhyun] ✔Where stories live. Discover now