~ Chapter 20 ~

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Immediately as I entered the office the next morning I was called into an emergency meeting along with the heads of departments of the company.

"Hey Hoseok, do you know what this is about?" I asked him as we walked to the board room together. I remembered Jungkook mentioning that there were problems with the company but he never really clarified what they were. Was it really that bad?

"I have no idea, you'd be more likely to know than myself. You're his personal assistant after all." The normally cheery man replied.

That was true. Why wasn't I the first to know? He should be able to trust me surely.


"Okay, so the reason I have gathered you all here today has been rather confidential and I hope that it remains this way to the rest of the world, but we cannot be sure." Jungkook began the meeting.

"By now you'll all be familiar with our recent business partner Kim Taehyung." He continued and we all nodded our heads curiously.

"Sadly the news has reached us that he has been hospitalised after being hit by a motorbike in a hit and run incident. Luckily he is making a quick recovery."

"But what does this have to do with our company?" Yoongi asked.

"Well, he's the third business partner to be injured in a month. At first we thought it was a coincidence but now we are suspicious that there could be someone purposely attacking our partners in order to compromise our possibilities for business deals and collaborations."

"What action will we be taking?" Hoseok spoke up.

"We've informed the police and they've begun conducting an investigation whilst tripling the security of our company building. Additionally all staff should take precautions in their own time in case the culprit starts to target our own staff." Jungkook explained.

We all looked towards each other with worry. I had never predicted that the problem he was talking about had been putting people in physical danger; I assumed that it was a simple business problem however it appears to be much more than that.

"So stay very wary of your surroundings, in some cases you'll be able to work from home and I'll put in arrangements for certain members of staff that I feel are most at risk."

Am I at risk? I thought to myself. What about all my friends here? This was awful, anyone could be targeted at any time since we were still unaware of the perpetrator's tactics and motivations.

"That'll be all for today, thank you for your time." He finished the meeting and the staff begun packing up.

"Seolhyun, I'll discuss your arrangements in my office." Jungkook leaned down and whispered in my ear. Was I in a lot of danger?


"Since you're my secretary you could end up being a main target. So I want you to work at home until the investigation is finished, it should only take a couple of days."

"Okay that's fine." I replied.

"You'll be living at my apartment with me."

"Wait What?! Why?" I exclaimed.

"Its easier to be close so that we can work together, plus it's not safe in your apartment the security isn't good enough, I had it checked."

"But living with you..."

"Would that be a problem?" He crossed his arms together.

"Well yes! Don't you think it's inappropriate?" Considering the way he behaved around me at the office I couldn't begin to imagine how he would be in a domestic situation.

"There's not a whole lot about our boss-secretary relationship which is appropriate." He raised his eyebrows, still trying to convince me.

"That's true I guess..."

"Seolhyun its not safe, you're not allowed out of my sight until the perpetrator had been brought to justice." He came closer to me.

"Is that understood? I'm having no negotiations on this."

"Okay, let me just tell Chanmi and Jin."

"Good." He smiled widely and embraced me tightly.

"You're moving into my apartment tonight, I'll send one of my drivers to pick you and your luggage up later."

I nodded against his chest and nuzzled closer, wrapping my own arms around his waist.

He was right, our relationship as colleagues was inappropriate but he never seemed to care about that, in fact he initiated it.

The Boss' Personal Secretary [Jungkook X Seolhyun] ✔Where stories live. Discover now