~ Chapter 15 ~

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"Seolhyun?" I was startled by a pair of hands hitting my desk.

"Oh Namjoon! It's just you, you scared the life out of me."

"We need to talk." He spoke bluntly. I tilted my head to the side in confusion, what could he need to discuss with me?


"So..." We sat opposite each other in the coffee shop, I took a careful sip of my tea, worried that I'd burn my tongue from the boiling hot beverage.

"So, I've noticed that you've been getting closer to Jimin recently."

I looked up to him in surprise.

"I mean, I guess so. I've had to be supervising him at work." I explained.

"I'm just a bit concerned, because it's been hurting Jungkook, I can tell." He sighed in worry.

"B-But why-"

"I know how much he likes you Seolhyun, he's been my friend since we were roommates in University."

"He mentioned me even then?"

"Yes, often, you were his first love you know?"

"Y-Yeah, I figured." I stuttered. To use such a strong word as love, I never really considered Jungkook's feelings for me that seriously.

"I just thought that you should know..." He scratched his head in awkwardness, this was outside both of our comfort zones.

"He's never dated anyone else before, never even shown interest in another girl." Namjoon continued.

"But he went so many years without seeing me."

"It didn't seem to matter to him, I guess he was just willing to wait for you. It's a miracle you applied for this job really, he could've been waiting forever." He chuckled to himself about the foolishness of his friend.

"He may just seem like a flirt sometimes, but maybe he just doesn't know the right way to win your heart. After all he deprived himself of any flirting experience as a teenager, all he ever wanted to do was study. The boy was so determined to be successful, it was a need for him to prove everyone wrong."

I nodded in understanding, he was so possessive. But of course he would be after waiting this long, he didn't want for me to leave once again.

"And with Jimin, the two of them don't get along at all, never have. So him getting close to you is just crushing for him. I see it in the way he acts these days."

"Thank you Namjoon, I think I needed someone to tell me that." I sighed in understanding.


After my little break I sat back down at my desk, fiddling with a pen as I thought through just what I should do.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when Jungkook entered, not bothering to greet me like he usually would. He's been like this all day, I guess it was a little harsh to push him out of my flat like that.

The dinner with Jimin would be going a step too far, it was practically a date after all. I couldn't bare to imagine how angry Jungkook would become if he found out; it wasn't worth the risk.

I needed to let Jimin know that I've changed my mind, hopefully his behaviour wouldn't worsen as a consequence...

The Boss' Personal Secretary [Jungkook X Seolhyun] ✔Where stories live. Discover now