~ Chapter 5 ~

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Jeon Jungkook was curious. Seolhyun's sudden reappearence was somewhat of a surprise for him, but afterall he always wanted to find her again.

It felt like fate.

And now he wanted to know more about her. Bossing her around at the office wasn't enough, he wanted to know the real Seolhyun.

Being the CEO Jungkook had unlimited access to the files and data of all his employees; including their home addresses.

Currently Jungkook was stood in front of Seolhyun's apartment door, waiting patiently after ringing the doorbell. His plan was to make up some sort of excuse concerning work in order to spend some more time with her.

Finally the door was opened.

"Hello!" A man which Jungkook didn't recognise said with a bright smile.

"Who are you?!"

"Don't you know 'annyeonghaseyo'?" He scoffed, surprised at Jungkook's rudeness.

"I'm Jin who are you?" He asked in confusion.

"Isn't this Kim Seolhyun's address?"

"Yes it is." He nodded.

"But you live with her?!" Jungkook's hopes for some intimate private time with his secretary were instantly shattered.

"Jinnie who is it?- Omo CEO Jeon! What are you doing here?" Seolhyun almost fell over when she saw her boss standing at her front door.


After inviting Jungkook in the two of us sat awkwardly in the living area as Jin continued to cook dinner.

It was so strange to see him in casual clothing like this; for as long as I had known him I had only ever seen him in his school uniform and business suits. He wore tight ripped jeans, a simple white T-shirt and Timberland shoes.

I felt quite inappropriately dressed myself as I just wore comfortable sweatpants and a small camisole.

"So, what did you need?" I asked him, still confused with his presence.

"Just to drop off these documents, you need to compare my personal calendar with my business one and make any alterations; when you're done just email it to Hoseok." He explained.

"Couldn't you have just emailed it to me also then?" I asked him with confusion before we were interrupted.

"Mr CEO Sir will we have the pleasure of having you to stay for dinner?" Jin asked with sarcasm in his tone.

I gave Jin an alarmed look; he was only making this situation even worse. I didn't want him staying for dinner!

"Sure why not." Jungkook smirked. My heart dropped.

"And please, just call me Jungkook; we're not in the office." He added, laughing slightly.

"What would you like to drink?" I asked him; being a good host.

"Water is fine."

I walked across the flat into the kitchen to pour Jungkook his drink.

"Jin what were you thinking?!" I shout-whispered to my flatmate.

"Just being hospitable, he is your boss after all."

"But it's going to be so awkward, I haven't seen him in so long and I really haven't been the best employee recently."

"It's okay! All you have to do is sit there and eat your food. I want to interrogate him."

"Why?!" I protested to Jin.

"He seems weird."


"I decided to cook Italian food tonight so I've made P-A-S-T-A pasta and P-I-Z-Z-A pizza!"

"Wah! Oppa it looks delicious." I exclaimed.

I glanced at Jungkook's expression only to receive a hard stare from him. I cleared my throat before talking again.

"I'll eat well!"

"So, how is Seolhyun as an assistant?" Jin asked Jungkook once we had begun eating.

"She needs some more training, but she should get the hang of it soon."

"It's only been a week or so, don't be too harsh on yourself." He continued whilst smiling brightly at me.

"Believe me by the sound of it she really hasn't been." Jin interjected.

"You two went to high school together right? Why haven't you seen eachother in so long?"

"Well we weren't that close at school, we hadn't seen each other since graduation." I explained.

"I was also studying abroad for a while, in New York." Jungkook said, I was surprised at this, he had never mentioned it before, also it was questionable how he had been able to take over such a large company at a young age. He must really be well skilled in business.

"Ooh, an international playboy are we?" Jin said and I put my head into my hands in embarrassment, how could he knowingly be speaking to my boss in this way?!

Luckily Jungkook didn't seem too bothered, he chuckled quietly in response.

"Sorry, I'm late! The traffic this evening was a nightmare. I haven't missed dinner have I?" Chanmi barged into the apartment.

"We were saving food for you anyway!" Jin called out.

"Good, I'm starving- Oh! who's this?" She asked.

"This is my boss Jeon Jungkook."

"...Kookie? Is that really you?! You look so different!"

"Don't call me that." Jungkook said with gritted teeth, slightly scaring Chanmi.

"Ha, ha, wow, you've changed a lot haven't you?"

The Boss' Personal Secretary [Jungkook X Seolhyun] ✔Where stories live. Discover now