~ Chapter 12 ~

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It was a month since the business trip to Italy but I still hadn't quite gotten over everything that had occurred.

He seemed interested in me, genuinely, and I was shocked. From the moment I realised who he was I had only thought that he was seeking some sort of revenge against me, nothing more. Just teasing.

But the business trip combined with Chanmi's comments had forced me to think back to the past. Maybe I really was his first love... Or perhaps I'm just getting ahead of myself.

I was currently carrying a pile of files so high that I could barely peek my eyes above them. Couldn't the employees do this by email these days? I was a secretary not a pack horse.

I waited outside the elevator doors until they opened but it was much too full, I'd might as well take the stairs it would get the job done quicker.

"Oh hey Seolhyun need any help with those?"

I looked around the files to discover the owner of the voice.

"Namjoon, thanks that'd be a great help!"

I went to pass him half of the files when he accidentally knocked me, pushing myself and the files down the stairs.

"Oh my god, l-let me go and get some help."

I sat up from the floor only to notice a sharp pain in my ankle.

"Aish." Why did Namjoon always have to be so clumsy?

Eventually Namjoon returned with a few other employees who began to look carefully at my ankle and scold him for knocking me down the stairs.  Suddenly I saw a flurry of bows before a figure appeared in front of me.

"It's nothing!" I looked up to him from the floor where I still sat, the truth was that it probably wasn't nothing, but I didn't want Jungkook to make a fuss, especially in front of the small crowd of accounting employees who had already gathered around us.

However he confidently walked forwards, picking me up effortlessly.

"Yah! Put me down!" I protested in shock as I saw the faces of the employees change dramatically. I could practically sense the phones begin to snap photos of us.


I kept quiet, once we reached the elevator it was immediately cleared for us.

"Hoseok go and get me an ice pack and first aid kit. Now!" Jungkook's voice boomed throughout the office before rushing into his own personal office.

"How are you always getting yourself into trouble?"

"It was just a little accident." I hissed as he brought my ankle up to rest on his lap and applied the ice pack.

"But you got hurt, what if it was worse, what if you broke something?" He took a bandage out of the first aid kit and began to gently wrap it around my ankle and foot.

"Ouch!" I shrieked when he put pressure on a particularly painful spot.

"A-Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Jungkook, I only twisted my ankle it's not that serious."

He sighed loudly as he hugged me tightly, resting his head on my shoulder.

I hesitated, but eventually wrapped my arms around him in response.

"Jungkook, can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead." I heard him say quietly from my shoulder.

"In high school... what happened?"

"How do you mean?"

"That day, when Jaebeom brought me to watch-" I stopped abruptly, I didn't know how to explain the situation. I knew that it would be a painful memory for Jungkook.

"He wanted you Seolhyun, I couldn't have that."

"Why?" I asked, although I already knew the answer.

There was a long pause between us, he held onto me tighter as if he never wanted to let go.

"I liked you Seolhyun, surely you would have figured that out by now."

I was surprised that he had let his guard down so much with me. He pulled out of the hug, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Let's take you home now, you need to rest."


"I'm sorry Jungkook." After a quiet ride home I apologised once we reached my apartment.

"What are you sorry for?"

"For not standing up for you back then."

"At that time, I don't think that there was anything that either of us could have done. Let's just be thankful that we can be together now."

I nodded in agreement, in what way did he mean be together? He was always making me curious to what type of relationship he aspired to have with me, and he was beginning to make me want this relationship too.

"I'll go and cook you something! It's lunch time around now." Jungkook changed the topic and checked his Rolex to make sure of the time.

"No Jungkook don't be silly, they need you at the company today, you have so many meetings!" I protested.

He looked hesitant for a few seconds before walking towards the bed and tucking me comfortably under the duvet.

"I'll order you some food and have it delivered here then, just be careful."

"I will be, I'm not a child. Plus Chanmi and Jin will come back from work this evening."

"Okay, take care of yourself. Keep me updated! I'll call you later." There was a tone of disappointment in his voice, as if he didn't want to leave.

I waved from my bed and he walked out of my bedroom.

Suddenly he rushed back into the room.

"What is it?" I asked.

Without saying a word he came towards me and planted a gentle kiss on my forehead before leaving for real this time.

My heart was fluttering rapidly, I buried my head into my pillow and kicked my legs about like a high school girl experiencing her first love.

How could he be so sweet to me? This was really a different side of Jungkook which was beginning to be revealed. I had just thought of him as a cold player but maybe it was a disguise after all.

Author's note
2K reads 😱
Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment, suggestions and requests are very welcome 😜
What do you guys think about Jungkook's new attitude?
Were you surprised at his and Seolhyun's past?
Also a big shout out to BlackDustHime for being such a dedicated supporter of this book! I really appreciate it 😊
Also I'm so sorry for the late update but I've been ill, as in like I've been to hospital ill. I'm recovering at home at the moment so I'll try to write more when I feel up to it.

The Boss' Personal Secretary [Jungkook X Seolhyun] ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ