~ Chapter 25 ~

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"Wake up baby, it's the presentation today." A soft voice whispered in my ear. I sighed out of tiredness but complied, slowly opening my eyes to see a pair of dark brown eyes staring into my own.

"Presentation?" I mumbled.

"Mm to the shareholders. Although I wish we didn't have to go, I just want to stay here with you like this."

I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes once again.

"Come on, there's going to be a party tonight. It'll be fun. I bought you a pretty dress!"

"Really? I hope it's not too revealing, knowing you." I commented.

"It's not, I don't want other men seeing your body like that now do I?"

"I guess not." I was finally becoming aware of my position and the events of the night before. I blushed and hid my face in the duvet as the aching of my legs became apparent.

"Why so shy baby?" I could hear the cockiness in his tone.

"You know why, it's your fault."

He chuckled before placing soft kisses across my face and neck. I could get used to waking up like this.


It was exactly just as hectic as I had expected at the office. Every single member of staff was busy running around in preparation for the presentation. Although Jimin had been arrested and in effect the problem within the company was now solved, there was a need to reassure the shareholders of our ability to protect our own company and staff.

"Jungkook, are you ready?" I asked him as the hair stylist finished with his hair. He looked as smart and handsome as ever.

"I'm always ready baby." He winked at me confidently. The stylist gave us a confused look before rushing off to check the hair and outfits of the other speakers at the presentation.

"Jungkook!" I squealed.

"You can't say things like that to me in public, especially in the office!" I explained however he simply grumbled in reply.

"Relax Seolhyun." He stood up and wrapped his arms around me in a comforting manner.

"Everyone will know eventually."

"Jungkook, the staff are ready to check your slideshow and microphones." Hoseok popped his head around the door, widening his eyes as he saw what he had interrupted.

"Thanks." Jungkook spoke simply and left the room, obviously disappointed that he couldn't stay for a little longer.

"Ooooooooh!" He said excitedly whilst pointing between myself and Jungkook, implying that we were an official item.

"Nooo! Sshhhh." I covered his mouth with my hand in fear that he would decide to announce the news to the whole building. Hoseok wasn't known for being a quiet person.

"This is top secret." I explained.

"And we're also not a thing!" I rushed out of the room in a panic.


My nerves increased rapidly as we sat down behind the shareholders in anticipation of Jungkook's speech. I felt instantly reassured as my eyes met his, he would do a great job, his charisma was just something else.

"Thank you all for gathering here today. I understand your recent concerns regarding the situation with Park Jimin and I am here to confirm that he is being charged for his crimes and no longer poses a threat to our company." The shareholders seem to somewhat relax at his words.

"In fact this whole situation has only proven to me the capability of my staff and made us stronger as a company. From their experience they have complied extra measures to ensure the protection of those associated with our company and avoid the problems which we had faced due to the nepotism which I seek to put an end to."


The hall clapped respectably as his speech drew to an end. I was impressed and relieved at how well it had gone.

"So... How was it?" Yuna asked me, wiggling her eyebrows in curiosity.

"How was what?"

"Living with the boss, I heard that you two are dating now."

"You heard what?! Who from?" I exclaimed in a panic.

"It's just office gossip, I'm not sure who started it." My mind instantly went to Hoseok.

"So is it true?"

"No!... I mean maybe a little but there's nothing official."

"Congratulations!" Namjoon almost shouted in his excitement, drawing even more attention towards my embarrassed self. I sent the tall man a hard stare.

Jungkook would surely be happy that everyone seemed to acknowledge us as some sort of couple now. I however was scared of the consequences of our romance.

The Boss' Personal Secretary [Jungkook X Seolhyun] ✔Where stories live. Discover now