~ Chapter 29 ~

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We decided to escape the office drama for a week by going to Jungkook's house just outside of Seoul.

It was much calmer than his apartment in the city; I sat in the garden eating a late breakfast surrounded by colourful flowers and the intense summer sun.

I was enjoying the fact that the house was large and luxurious but the best thing was just being able to be alone, and of course the fact that I was on paid leave.

"Hey baby." Jungkook came up from behind me, kissing me lightly on my head before sitting down in the opposite seat. He had just finished showering and was drying his hair with a towel.

"Hey." I smiled sweetly.

"I was thinking of inviting some of our friends over for dinner tonight. Would that be okay with you?" He asked.

"Sounds fun! Who should we invite?"

"I was thinking Jin, Chanmi, Namjoon and Taehyung."

"Are we throwing our first dinner party? How fancy." I giggled.

"I just want to have a good time with our friends for once, it's been stressful lately."

"What should we cook?"


"How long do we have until they arrive?" I asked Jungkook as I rushed down the stairs; putting my earrings in carefully. By some miracle everyone was available for tonight but we didn't have very much time to buy the ingredients and cook.

"About 10 minutes, don't worry I've got all the food under control!"

"Really?" I asked; unconvinced.

"Yeah! Look how good my glazed sweet potatoes are, my own recipe!"

"Okay, I'll try one." I finally reached the kitchen, although this house was lovely the distance between the rooms could be so far.

I took a pair of chopsticks from the cutlery drawer and tried to pick up a potato from the plate. It was stuck?!

"Kookie, there is something seriously wrong with these potatoes. I can't even get them off the plate! How much sugar did you put in these?"

"They're fine!"

The doorbell loudly sounded so I rushed to the front door to greet our guests.

"I missed you guys!" I went to initiate a group hug with Chanmi and Jin, only to be pushed back by Jin and passed a large bag of vegetables.

"This is no time for affection! We've got a dinner party to prepare for and if my assumptions are correct both you and Jungkook are shit at cooking."

"..how did you know?" I followed him to the kitchen.

"Because I've lived with you for years and..."

We walked in on Jungkook flipping the plate of sweet potatoes around like a magic trick.

"Well, that just speaks for itself doesn't it?" Jin finished.


Just half an hour later the four of us had almost finished preparing the four course meal. All guided by Jin of course.

Luckily Taehyung and Namjoon had been running a little bit late and so had avoided the kitchen disaster.

"Hello!" The two men chanted together once the door was opened. Both held a bottle of wine in their hand.

"How's the happy couple doing?" Namjoon asked.

"We're doing great thanks, just nice to have a break." I responded as Jungkook placed his arm around my shoulders.

"I've never even been to your house Jungkook. It's so nice, why did you stay in your apartment all the time?" Taehyung asked as they entered; removing their shoes.

"When I was living alone there wasn't much point. I only needed to be close to the office."

"Seolhyun you've moved in?" Namjoon asked excitedly.

"No not yet!" I replied.

"Yet." I heard Jungkook whisper to the boys, still loud enough that I could hear. I smiled at his cheesiness and pretended not to hear. How cute.


"Seolhyun, you lucky girl." Chanmi spoke to me excitedly once we finally got some alone time in the kitchen. Sipping wine as we listened to the laughter of the three men echoing from the dining room.

"What?" I laughed.

"Have you seen this house?! And he has liked you since high school. You seriously must have saved the country in your past life."

"I'm happy, it's just the female staff at the company you know?"

"You shouldn't listen to them. Jungkook likes you and you like him, what's the problem?"

"They're just jealous I guess. But there isn't much I can do."

"Wasn't Namjoon eyeing you earlier?" I asked Chanmi.

"Ssssh! They might hear!" She jumped out of the stool and covered my mouth with her hand to silence me.

"You like him don't you?" I spoke much more quietly.

"...Maybe." we giggled, staring out of the large kitchen window into the back garden where the water of the pool moved calmly in the summer breeze.

Things really were looking up in life, and the change had happened in such a short space of time.

I really was lucky that we had met again.

The Boss' Personal Secretary [Jungkook X Seolhyun] ✔Where stories live. Discover now