My last

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I woke with pain and loss in my whole body. I curled myself up into a ball and started to sob.

How I thought of how crappie my life was right now. No wounder my aunt and uncle wanted me to have a normal life, all of the drama that comes with being a magical creature is something I would never want for my children.

not that I want any right now or any time soon, far far far in the future maybe.

I didn't want to be near or around anyone today.

I pulled myself up and looked at the lock on my bedroom door and to ky suprise I had the effort to lock it. I then went back into a fetal position.

Old memorys and past moments came flooding back to me, which made me cry harder into my pillow.

I don't really remember what had happened hours before, But what ever had happened I was taken from the real world and ended up in a beautiful place. I know it couldn't of been real as the people I know to be past on were all around me.

( Black out )

I opened my eyes to a beautiful open area some where in the woods, It all felt real to me. Everything smelt and felt the same but I also knew it was a dream. Until my aunt started walking towards me. I shot up from off the ground and run to her,

" Aunt where are we? Am I dreaming- "

She held up both of her hands to stop me from asking any more questions. I could see from the look on her face that she was about to say something important. I tryed beating her to it by reading her mind but it was no use... 'why can't I use my mind reading powers.'

" Mila my sweet girl..... you and I - We are in limbo. "

Limbo as in where all the dead people go? it is pretty peaceful here, it literally is heaven on earth.

" Aunt are you trying to say that im dead? "

I found it werid how we were both here, Then it clicked in my head. I started to shake my head at her. My heart was racing at what she wasn't saying.
I took a step back, I felt as if my whole life was slowly slipping away. I wasn't the one who was dead.... It was my aunt.

" Yes my sweet girl.... It was my time, I brought you here with a little help from Fran. "

My head was slowly starting to become dizzy. I sat down on the ground again, I had full on tears streaming down my cheeks. Not caring one bit, my life sucks as of now.
My aunt lent down and wiped them away, with one of her hankychifs she always had tucked away up her sleeve.

" But aunt.....  I need you, I need you more then ever right now!  you can't just leave me, ill be s-sooo lost without you. W-we we are ment to be a team... You Rusty and I- uncle Scott."

I croaked out the last couple of words as more tears came out.
I knew my eyes, were baby blue. I felt like an emotional wreck.

" We will never leave your side my baby girl"

I jumped when I hurd a mans voice from behind me. And I quickly stood up and pulled my aunt behind me.
There in front of my aunt and I were two people a male and female, They looked familiar..... I had seen them both in Photo's.

My aunt moved from behind me and walked towards the woman.
" Lynette its so good to see you again honey "

I watched as my aunt started to hug this ladie, I watch them both the ladie had a single tear fall from her eye.But what really caught my eyes was that it wasn't a clear tear.... It was a pale nearly clear colour Pink.
I stood there and just looked at her, she caught me staring at her. I didn't think to look away.
After she had finished hugging my aunt she stood up straight and we both ended up having a staring competition. I let her win and looked away, and watched as my aunt moved to the man next to this ladie and hugged him too.

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