Meeting the off spring

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I woke up to the smell of breakfast being cooked. I shot up out of bed run to my bathroom to wash my face. I then run down stairs like I was a little kid, My aunt was standing at the toaster wait for it to pop.

I got my normal coffee mug and aunts top of tea ready, and waited for the kettle to boil.

" Hay aunt what are your plans for today? "

I was a little curious as I was planning on doing some research on a few thing concerning supernatural creatures.

" Well I was going to do a little bit of gardening today, then go see Fran and have a catch up with her. I haven't seen her in a week now. Why is that sweetie? "

My aunt place my breakfast on the table, she had made scrambled eggs on toast with hash Browns fried tomatoes and mushrooms and bacon stripes. I couldn't wait to chow that down.

" Ohh no reason. I was just going to be in the down stairs studio thats all. Im just curious about a few things that's all. "

" May I ask what you will be studying down there? or what your actually looking for? Because I know that it hasn't got anything to do with school work.... "

I pored the hot water into the tea pot and put the lid on, then pored water into my waiting coffee. I placed her teapot on the table along with my coffee. and sat down.

I knew this talk was coming, She was always so hard on me about school work. Yet I always had the top mark in all my classes, I just had a attitude towards the teachers. And some fellow class mates.

I knew my uncle Scott had called her and told her what happened yesterday at school.... But then again I did come home early yesterday from school.

" Yeah.... Umm. I wanna read a few books on some supernatural creatures that's all, and I was woundering if you will teacher me a few spells? if your up for it that is..... I'll listen and behave myself, you name it ill do it!!"

I gave my aunt the sweetest smile, but she seen right though it. which I wasn't that suprised about. I started eating well she carryed on talking.

" Well of course ill help you sweetie, But before we do any of that I wanna know what happened last night, and why you were up set.? it broke my heart to see you up set like that. "

All of a sudden I wasn't feeling hungry. I did tell her that ill tell her over breakfast last night, and I needed to get it off my chest and tell someone.

I stoped eating and started to push bits of egg around on my plate.

I sighed.

" I meet Jason grandfather last night.... And good god I wanted to hurt him so bad, he is a nasty peice of work! Any way Jason has to leave with him at the end of the year..... He made me so angery last night aunt, I had no clue that he still had other family and that he had meet his grandfather and that he has known for awhile that he will be leaving...And he never told me he was an Angel!!! And to top it off, he also asked why I wasn't his girlfriend. "

" I don't see why you two anit together already any way.... And as for his grandfather I want you to say away from him Mila you hear me? "

I just nodded my head, she never uses my name which means she must be dead serious about it.

But seriously everything I just told her all she picked out was that Jase should be my boyfriend and pretty much stay away from Jason grandfather! And if that is the case that means she knew what Jason was to start with. I wasn't suprised, Fran and my aunt are bestfriends.

" Sooo I meet someone else last night..... "

My aunt looked up at me with a strange expression on her face.

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