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(Thomas P.O.V)

I was proud to call her my neice, already she has an Alpha title without even knowing it.
I wanted to get to know her as a person, i already knew she was a spliting image of her father, her and her brother shared the same facial features just the eyes were different.

I sat in the living room waiting for her, i could hear movement from up stairs. I sniffed the air and looked up towards the noise.

Then to Scott, i felt Shane on gaurd.

" Who is up there with her? "

Scott groaned, Mavis looked as if he wanted to laugh.

" Her 'boyfriend' Hes a good kid - "

" He's not just any kid i just cant place what he is."

All Scott could do was sigh, which kind of ticked me off he wasnt telling me something that was important.
" Alpha i can sense it to, but he is protected by spells just as Mila is. "

" Wait! You said boy- "

I was cut off as the boy walked past the living room. Shane and i both sniffed the air, my wolf growled low.

At the corner of my eye i seen Scott shaking his head at me.
" You touch the kid either his grandmother or possably Mila-lyn will kill you before you can scream... He's a hybrid too, im not going to say what he is he can tell you him self. But he has witch blood within him.'

My eye brow shot up at his words. So the legends are true then the four hybrid witches are real, and my neice is one of them. 'I hate you right now Leon you prick' i thought to myself.

; She's the one everyone wants.... "
Was all Scott said after that, he rubbed at his face.

" Nobody is going to hurt her as long as im alive! "

I roared out, i knew my eyes were golden colour. Shane placed a hand on my shoulder to settle me, Scott looked to me with a blank face. His familiar standing in a protective stance, and Mavis just rolled his eyes.

" Chill out Thomas.... We are all with you on that boat, but you try talking sense to a hormonal teenager girl who might i add is beyond stubborn like her thick skulled father, the apple never falls to far from the tree. "

" Dont insault your decessed Alpha! My brother like that. "

" Alpha check your yourself. That thing at Scotts feet doesnt look to friendly right now. "

I looked over to Scott he didnt seem fased about my rant i was having. Cool calm and relaxed, he confused me right then.

(Scott P.O.V)

Listening to Thomas rant about things i already knew was boring, my mind was Blank.
Milly had this, as she kept saying in my mind.

I sigh loudly, and stood i need a coffee or maybe a tea.
Before i even took one step, it felt as if my heart had stoped.

I most ear druming scream came from up stairs and i was running towards Mila's room with Mavis, Thomas, Shane and Jason hott on my heals.

I burst though the door ready to attack, But as we enter we all looked around the room. But nobody was there, i looked over at Mila as Rusty crawled under the bed.
Her arm was bleeding, 'Fuck' i knew what happened.

Straight away i inwardly groan,
" Milly... If she dies from that bite i will kill him myself. I thought i told you to tell him to hold off!!! "

" Master i did.... He is like his master. "

" Shut up! "

I kept my face blank and calm as i could. I didnt know what would happen, but i need Uncle Blake here now.
Walking to Mila i looked at her arm.

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