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I was planning to call my mother that Sunday evening while I curled up on the chair in my balcony. My ginger coloured tabby cat sat on the other end of the couch winking up at me. I grinned. 

Today was one of those few days I had to myself. I was at peace with everything and my skin radiated. I dropped the novel I was reading and picked up my phone from the stool beside me. I dialled 'super mum' from my contact list.


At the exact moment Zoe was smiling to herself, Jane was trying to meander her way through the crowd that obstructed the church entrance. She sighed in frustration. She pasted a half-smile on her face and dutifully shook hands with the rest of the parishioners. 

She slowly made her way to the door. 

She had done her laundry in the morning and cleaned the house until she had to dress for church service. She was tired and it showed. 

Her mother had called for a meeting this evening so she was going straight to her mother's house. Just one more person till she reached the door and then she looked up at the setting sun and beamed. These were the perks she lived for.


Robin was happy and carefree. On this Sunday, he and his childhood friend of fifteen years were sitting on the hood of his car just staring as the sun began its descent into the western skies. It was truly a beautiful sight to behold. 

His friend, April, had extracted a promise from him to take her to her favourite spot because she really had to talk to him. They had not yet discussed anything, just sat on the hood of his car staring at the setting sun. They sat in companionable silence munching apples. She gradually got immersed in the breathtaking sight and drifted off into her own thoughts thinking about the extra beauty of the colours blending and floating all around them. 

Then it dawned on her that the skies would soon darken and darkness would overtake daylight. "Is this why bad situation overtakes good times? Or is every one bound to have bad times and good?" she mused. 

Unknown to her, many minutes have passed by. Robin turned to look at her- her eyes were half-closed but she looked calm and he couldn't guess what was on her mind. At long last, she spoke.

"I've broken my engagement," she said in a tiny voice with the slow, long, gradually released breathe of one whose load had lightened. The feeling of finally winning a contest for freedom. How he would take it, she does not bother. Though with so many past years, this perhaps is the only ears.

Set SailOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora