Not All Is Lost

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Leia collapsed to the ground as she felt her twin brother's death through the Force. Tears began to flow. An officer ran to her side, not understanding what happened to her.

She did not care what anyone on the bridge thought now; the pain was unbearable. The tears that had risen in her for decades finally broke through the dam at this moment, not willing to submit to Leia's will. The loss of her mother, the loss of her home planet, the loss of her son to the dark side, the loss of Han, and now her brother--the pain that had gripped her for years, finally mastered her as the last defense crumbled. She had kept her composure for the Rebellion, then the Senate, and the Resistance; but now it all came crashing down, just as the Resistance forces were also crashing.

The tears fell. She crouched on the floor alone and wept.


Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, and Kylo Ren ran to get to the Millennium Falcon and hurried on board. The star destroyer shook with the repeated hits, which resulted in scattered personnel that took little notice of the fleeing Resistance soldiers. Many ran past, not recognizing Kylo Ren with his mask off. Poe quickly took the pilot's seat and started the engines. BB-8 closed the rear ramp, and the Falcon launched out of the loading bay.

Upon exiting it was evident to the team that the Resistance was losing; TIE fighters filled the space battlefield with destroyed remnants of B-Wings and Naboo fighters.

"There must be hundreds of TIEs!" Poe said.  A flash of laser fire jostled the Falcon.

"Do you think you can get us out of here so we can jump to hyperspace?" Finn asked.

"Can a bantha shed fur?" Poe replied, and dove to avoid turbolaser fire. "Get on the guns, you two."

Chewbacca and Finn ran to the dorsal and ventral gun turrets. Kylo Ren sat in the passenger bay, strapped in, too weak to do anything else.

The Millennium Falcon dove, rose and veered to avoid fire, Finn and Chewbacca shooting down any TIE fighters that came into their crosshairs. The shields had taken some glancing hits, but nothing that posed any major threat. Poe was good at what he did, but still, he was finding it difficult to move away from the star destroyer.  He took the Falcon into a portside zag to avoid more laser shots.  

Then the Falcon shook violently. Everyone on board gasped at the hit.

"What was that!" Finn shouted.

"Looks like we've got someone on our tail," Poe replied. "Not a TIE either."

A sharp black starfighter flew into the exhaust trail of the Falcon, too close for a novice pilot to maneuver; it was the last of the Knights of Ren, Kiam.

Poe steered the Falcon up abruptly to evade the pursuit craft. Kiam matched the move effortlessly and fired. Another hit battered the rear shields. Poe corkscrewed to evade further lasers, then barrel-rolled to turn the Falcon on its side, pulled up, and sped away at the pursuit craft's starboard. Kiam matched his moves again with almost instantaneous reaction-time, only four lengths of the Falcon between them.

"This guy's good," Poe said, a bead of sweat falling on his temple.

Finn and Chewbacca tried to hit him, but Kiam was apt at dodging every shot. His agile ship ducked and sidled every shot.  

Poe looped around some TIEs, trying to put something in between. Kiam blasted one of the TIEs away in an attempt to get a clear shot, not caring that it was a First Order fighter.   He then repeatedly fired on the Falcon. He hit the Falcon again, the concussion jolting it to port.

Episode VIII Rise of the Dark JediWhere stories live. Discover now