I'm Here to Rescue You

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As they sojourned through the city, Lukaro continued, "Much of the progress has been due to the improvements we have made in our cloning techniques. We now can tailor our genetic lines to exactly what a client needs. It creates a more satisfied consumer and a more profitable industry. I hope to show you our facilities after you are settled in your residential quarters."

Leia commented, "The Resistance is more interested in your other resources such as deep sea mining and medicinal Drac harvesting. Although I feel that we can provide much in the way of protection for your system, our interests do not lie in cloning. To be sure the First Order will look to exploit your cloning industry in the long run."

"Ah, yes," Lukaro replied, his nictitating membranes flashed over his black eyes... "But let us wait on those discussions until tomorrow with the governing council." His countenance seemed distant when he said this, even for Kaminoans.

After a few more short and uneventful stops, Leia was led to her quarters.


Leia rubbed her temples as she sat in the sparsely furnished residential quarters. This mission was going to be more difficult than she thought, but she had never given up before. She was sure she could solidify a treaty with them. The question was whether or not she could do it before the First Order did. It was imperative that they secure the cloning industry for the Resistance, even if they would not utilize that resource. It was enough to keep a ready-made army out of the First Order's grasp.

The silence was broken by the blaring HoloNet transceiver. "General Organa." It was Captain Burke in the corvette.

Leia grabbed the transceiver and quipped, "Yes, Captain, what is it?"

"We have company. A star destroyer just exited hyperspace about a quarter orbit around the planet. They have launched TIEs and a command shuttle, and are descending now."

A million possibilities rushed through Leia's mind. She clenched her dry fists. Did the First Order know the Resistance was here to enlist aid? If so, how? Were we betrayed? Or were they here simply for the same reasons she was, with no knowledge of Resistance presence? In any event, the Order knew they were here now.

"Get down here!" Leia switched the transceiver and called Finn.

"Captain Finn."

"Yes, General." He replied.

"Get ready for action, TIEs and a shuttle may be coming your way. Hold the landing platform. I am coming now." She rushed toward the door to inform her guards waiting outside. They were in no position to face a star destroyer with a few A-Wings. They needed to evacuate.

The door slid open in front her with a slicing sound. A cloud of pink smoke fell into the room from the doorway. Its chemical smell went before it. Leia could see the legs and arms of her guards lying to each side of the door. Out of the pink mist, a figure entered the room; a woman in full Mandalorian armor. She took off her helmet.

"My name is Sabine Wren. I'm here to rescue you. Put this on."

She tossed Leia a breathing mask. A tiny spider droid sped across the room, up Sabine's leg and into a compartment on her wrist.

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