Battle Preparations

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The council room was the largest room on the station and easily fit a hundred people. It was part of the large central station and consisted of a central holographic projector surrounded by benches angling up and away from the center so that anyone present had an unobstructed view. At this time, it was filled almost to capacity with all leadership present, from the Grand Admiral Ackbar down to squadron leaders.

Leia stood grim and stern in the middle, beside the holo-projector. Seated in the front row behind her, sat Boba, Sabine, and Zeb. Boba had his right foot rested on his knee and his arm draped over the chair behind Sabine, an insolent air surrounding him. Sabine, however, leaned forward, resting her chin on folded hands, concern and chagrin descending heavily on her. Across from them sat Chewbacca, Luke, Rey, Finn, and Poe. To each side of Leia, a few generals, admirals, and the Grand Admiral Ackbar sat.

Leia waited until everyone was present before she began.

"Fellow Resistance fighters, today will be a day to direct the trajectory of the future of this galaxy. We are about to embark on the most important mission or the war thus far."

She motioned for Boba, Sabine, and Zeb to stand up.

"We have received a coded transmission giving us the opportunity to strike the heads of the First Order at a moment when they are the most vulnerable. These friends of the Resistance, Boba Fett, Sabine Wren, and Garazeb Orrelios, have provided for us this valuable data, I am sure at quite a cost to them." Leia made sure to hide her sarcasm, but the intent was not lost on Sabine and Zeb. However, Leia was not about to let them off so easily. "This battle may still be a difficult one, and many of you and your teams may not be coming home. But I am proud of each and every one of you who fights with me. You know what it is that we fight for." She turned to Boba, Sabine, and Zeb. "We could use all the help we can. Can we count on you to join us?" 

There it was. Leia, although she had been bested in the negotiation with Boba, was not about to let Boba, Sabine, and Zeb get away without showing everyone who they really were. They may have clean records, but she was not going to let them have a clean reputation as well.

The hall remained silent for what seemed like twenty minutes to Sabine and Zeb but was really only a few seconds. Sabine shifted her weight uncomfortably and Zeb stared at the floor. All eyes were on them.

Boba broke the silence, "I regret to say that we already have plans."

"I'm sure you do," Leia said sternly.

Boba smiled with a cocky air, that made Leia's blood boil.

"Then I must ask you to leave the council room.  Thank you," she ordered as she looked to the holo-projector and waited for them to leave. Boba, Sabine, and Zeb exited; a confident man, followed by the other two who were obviously embarrassed.

Once they had left and the door had shut behind them she began again as if continuing without the pause. "Our analysis has verified the transmission. The star destroyer Finalizer will be stationed in the Outer Rim system of Lybeya."

The holo-projector illumined a large orange planet, elliptical in shape, floating next to an impressive asteroid belt.

"The Finalizer will be harboring the three heads of the First Order: Snoke, General Hux, and Kylo Ren."

The council room began to murmur, but the murmuring ceased as they had noticed that Leia was waiting for their attention.

"This report shows that only the one star destroyer will be stationed here," she said. "The exact details as to why they are here, we don't know. We have many speculations, but no certainties. For this reason, our mission must be swift. As to the details of the operation, I will leave that to Admiral Ackbar to explain."

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