Ghost Flight

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 Sabine led Leia and Zeb to the landing platform. There stood a Corellian Engineering Corporation VCX series freighter with a small auxiliary fighter attached seamlessly in the top. Its exterior was beaten up and could use detailing with carbon stains and impact dents scattered overall.

"Not much to look at," Leia said.

"Don't judge," Zeb replied. "That's the Ghost. It fought for the rebels before the battle of Yavin."

Leia raised her eyebrows.

Just then the high scream of TIE fighters sounded overhead. They were flying in the low cloud cover and could not be seen.

"I don't like that sound," Zeb yelled, gripping his rifle and shouldering it to defend; even though he knew it would be utterly useless against TIEs. "We need to get on board."

Then the sound of blaster fire ricocheted from behind them in the platform entry.

"I don't like the sound of that either." He yelled again.

They all ran to the ship, Zeb firing at the platform door as the five knights exited, Kylo Ren, not with them. Just as before, the blaster fire rebounded from the deadly blades.

Jax fired up his jetpack and flew over them, as a raptor seeking its prey. He fired down on an angle, a lightsaber in one hand and a blaster in the other. The brute charged, a beast of a man, his feet pounding the ground as he charged the open door of the Ghost.

Sabine was in first followed by the others. "Close the door and get us out of here now, Cap!"

"I'm on it." A man's voice echoed from the front of the ship. "Get on the guns! We're going to be fighting our way out."

The bay door closed and a loud blow hit the closed door, shaking the ship walls and the hearts of those inside. Again and again, the brute slammed his electro-knuckles against the door. The door warped inward with each hit; but the Ghost, its engines roaring, lifted off out of his reach.

"Stay here and buckle up, General," Sabine said to Leia. "This may be a rough ride."

Leia sat down and strapped in. Sabine and Zeb, with swift and mindless routine, left Leia to man the guns.

The Ghost rose into the clouds, climbing higher and higher to exit the atmosphere. Upon exiting the clouds, there to meet them were five patrolling TIE fighters in the sector. It wasn't long before they changed vectors to intersect with the Ghost.

"What are you waiting for?" shouted the pilot. "Start firing!"

Sabine and Zeb opened up on the closest TIEs. Sabine took one out right away. She wiped the dark hair from her forehead after the strike. The four others were in pursuit and were faster than their freighter. The TIE fighters bombarded the Ghost with laser blasts, landing a few hits to the shields. The Ghost continued to climb, veering left and right to avoid fire. Zeb hit one more TIE as they were getting closer, the TIE's carcass falling into the soft blanket of clouds. However, they took two more hits which jolted the ship hard to the starboard.

"We just need to get out of the atmosphere to hit light speed." the pilot yelled. "Just keep them from hitting us again."

"Easier said than done," Zeb shouted back.

The pilot seeing them right on his heels, barrel rolled to the port then made a sharp starboard turn to come at two of them from the side. Sabine fired as the nearer TIE went down in flames. The other turned hard to its port to race head-on at the Ghost, firing madly. The Ghost corkscrewed through the blasts as both Zeb and Sabine fired straight ahead. The TIE exploded into shattered pieces.

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