Leaving Ahch-To

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 Rey had spent days of concentrated work on her lightsaber by using Anakin's lightsaber as a guide.  Now hers was finished. She had fashioned her light staff into one--the staff she had used for so long on Jakku, as she had strove to survive among thieves, scroungers, and hoodlums. It had just felt right to convert the weapon that she was already accustomed to into her lightsaber. It was familiar to her and comfortable, and therefore easier for her than the traditional lightsaber.

She was eager to show it off to Luke, who had isolated himself since returning from the Jedi temple.

Rey wondered what about the crystal had so flustered him. She knew he had always been very careful around her in what he said and did, figuring it had to do with his insecurities about losing Ben Solo and fearing to repeat that history. Seeing his obvious anxiety about the crystal caused her to examine his teachings about controlling her fear. She was becoming more aware of his struggle to master his own fears; this inability of her master to abide Jedi teachings confounded her and made her question the tenets he was teaching. 

She climbed to the top of the mountain to where he had instructed her during the storm. It was a cloudy day, the grey clouds looking heavy and wet made it appear to be colder than it actually was. Luke was there, standing, speaking loudly, almost shouting. She decided to sneak up to listen. She must be careful not to use the Force, for Luke would sense that and stop whatever he was doing. This was one thing that she had learned in the brief time she had been with him. She approached stealthily, a technique she was very knowledgeable of through years. Sneaking around the shipwrecks of Jakku to avoid marauders had given her this among many other survival techniques.

"Master Yoda! Where are you!" he cried out.  "Why won't you come to me!"

Rey sensed the power of the Force in Luke reaching out to another place, system, world. As soon as she sensed it, she knew she was found out. Sensing the Force in him, he was also able to sense her. He stopped and looked down at her. He looked defeated and tired, his shoulders low and face drawn.

Rey, trying to cover her embarrassment, started in, "I wanted to show you my lightsaber." She held out her staff for him to see, a hint of pride rising to the surface above her unease.

"I don't want to see it." He said somberly. He stepped down from the peak and approached her. "I can no longer be your teacher," he said flatly.

"What!" Rey was shocked. "Why?"

"There is nothing left that I can teach you," Luke said.

"What are you talking about. How about the lightning thing up there?" She stumbled trying to get near to him. "And mind control, and lightsaber fighting, and . . . and . . . whatever else there is?" she gasped in desperation.

"You have my instruction about peace. That is all you need to master the storm."

Rey understood his double meaning.

"As for the rest, you have no need to learn those things from me," he said.

She was frustrated and took a few quick steps toward him on the loose rubble, the stones shifting under her feet, her foundation giving way.

"Who were you calling to?" she asked.

"It is not important."

"Yes, it is. So many things you have not been telling me. I can sense it. You're lying to me.  I sense you are afraid. The very thing you counsel me to control."

Luke could not reply. He could not look at her.

Rey continued, "I think you're afraid because things are happening that you don't understand. Well, so am I! I think you're afraid because the Force isn't giving you all the answers. And you may have to figure it out on your own. I think you're afraid because you don't want to fail again like you did with Ben. Well, I'm not Ben!"

"You are right," Luke resigned and sat down on an eroded rock, defeated. "But I am right, too. There is nothing I have left that I can teach you."

Rey looked at him seeking words that could sway him.  Her face was cold and her lips tight.  "Fine, then I must go," she said.

Luke gave a reticent nod.

"I didn't tell you--" she started but Luke interrupted.

"That you saw someone in the temple."

Rey eyes widened in surprise. "Yes, my mother."

She did not want to tell him that she fought Ben.

"Be careful. I know you want to find her. It is dangerous. You will be tempted to the dark side."

Rey could not take it anymore. "Well, you're not my master anymore. So I am going."

She started to walk down the mountainside, regaining her firm footing and hollering back, "I'm calling Chewie."

She grabbed her holographic transponder inside her hut to contact Chewbacca. He would arrive shortly and take her from Ahch-To. 

Luke approached her door, concern in his eyes.  He shook his head as if arguing within himself.

"Rey," he spoke.

She came out and looked at him.

"I know I can't stop you from going, but you can't stop me from coming with you."

"What, so you can keep an eye on me?" she retorted.

"No. So I can help you find your mother. You need not be alone in this."

Rey's countenance brightened as she felt the weight of her loneliness lift a bit. She had not realized how much she needed that. It had been months of training under him, feeling his aloofness. She had felt alone, more alone than ever before, but she did not ever recognize that until now when Luke offered help. She hugged him unexpectedly for both of them.

"Thank you," she said.

	"Thank you," she said

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