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The knights rushed Rey, their malignant fury propelling them. Only Lura, the sharpshooter remained behind to lay down sniper fire from a safe distance. Kylo Ren with pernicious intent went after Luke.

Luke called out to Kylo Ren, "I will not fight you, Ben."

"Then you will die," he returned, igniting his crossbar lightsaber.

Gabo, the brute, charged his electro-knuckles and swung at Rey first with powerful yet predictable attacks. She dodged two swings and deflected a third with her lightsaber, but Tanut with a standard red lightsaber joined the fight and attacked with a downward blow. Rey stymied his bloody blade and pushed him off balance. She spun herself to hit him with the bottom blade of her lightsaber, but Sakiah saved him by blocking the attack.   Her own double-edged red lightsaber sparked and crackled under Rey's. Sakiah spun her lightsaber staff to take out Rey's legs with the bottom blade, but Rey leaped over. The three knights surrounded her, and their attacks were perfectly coordinated to prevent them from injuring each other. Lura crouched to her knee and aimed her precision rifle waiting for an open shot.

	Luke parried multiple attacks from Kylo Ren, the blue lightsaber clashing with Kylo Ren's red blade

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Luke parried multiple attacks from Kylo Ren, the blue lightsaber clashing with Kylo Ren's red blade.

"Ben, you don't need to do this," Luke said, always blocking and never offering an attack.

"Shut up, Old Man!" Kylo Ren slashed horizontally.

Luke deflected it effortlessly. Kylo Ren then angled his fatal blade and thrust forward. Luke sidestepped, and grabbed his arm leaning in close to Kylo Ren.

"There is still good in you," Luke said.

"No!" Kylo Ren pushed him away and attacked with a vertical downward blow. Luke blocked again, the blade of Kylo Ren's grandfather mastering the young assailant.

"Let go of your anger; it is poisoning you." Luke pleaded.

Kylo Ren attacked again. "Save your breath, Skywalker! I am not your Padawan any longer! Snoke has taught me more than you ever did!" Kylo Ren yelled.

Luke had allowed himself to back into the wall but now leaped over Kylo Ren's head, flipped and faced him on the other side.

"Snoke is using you, and you know it," Luke stated.

Kylo Ren screamed and continued his attack both fists clenching his blade hilt.

Gabo swung a few more telegraphed punches at Rey. He was slow and easy to dodge. He jumped, descending with a blow; but he missed, creating a meter diameter dent in the floor and a resonating toll throughout the room. Sakiah swiped over his crouched body for another attack. Rey blocked, returning another attack; but Tanut parried her blow. Rey had to move twice as fast as any of her assailants just to defend.  They fought as one enemy.

  They fought as one enemy

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Episode VIII Rise of the Dark JediWhere stories live. Discover now