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The Ghost sped through the blue and nebulous hyperspace. Rishi Maze, the galaxy of the Kamino system, was such a distance from Leia's galaxy that there was plenty of downtime during the trip. Being stuck in a Corellian freighter for days was no one's idea of a pleasant experience, especially with an irritated general in the personnel cabin, and a smug bounty hunter as master of her fate.

"Get out of my seat, you Bantha!" Sabine barked at Zeb, who was sitting in the co-pilot chair of the cockpit next to Boba.

"Well excuse me," he replied with a smile, settling deep into the seat and crossing his silver furred arms. "Just keeping it warm for you."

Sabine did not want to keep this conversation going, knowing that Zeb was about to get obnoxious.

"Just get out of my seat!"

"But wait, I didn't tell you how I was keeping it warm." Zeb protested.

"Not another word!" She kicked his shin hard and glared at him.

He growled in pain. "Fine, fine." He rose from his seat.

"Here," Boba said, "You can have mine. I need to go talk to the general. Hopefully, she's in a better mood."

"How's your face?" Sabine asked.

Boba felt his right swollen cheekbone. "The old lady still can throw a punch."

"Yeah, and you can still take one." Zeb quipped. "Maybe she'll give you another one and even you out."

Boba leaned forward toward Zeb and with a stern voice spoke.  "On second thought . . . Don't sit in my seat."  Zeb's face dropped in disappointment.  Sabine gleamed.

Boba left the cockpit to enter the passenger quarters. Leia was sitting down at the holographic Dejarik table. She sat comfortably, but still with an air of royalty. Her austere semblance, giving evidence to her long-past office, grew with age; and she seemed more like a princess now than ever before. That may have intimidated some, but not Boba. He sat down across from her with his own confidence to display.

"Looks like you got into a fight with a Wookiee." Leia smiled.

"I'm pretty sure I did," he responded.

"I've  heard rumors of your being alive," Leia said.

"Well. Apparently, they were more than rumors since the New Republic put a reward on my head."  He leaned back, slicked his hair back with his hands and clasped them behind his head. "Not that that matters anymore.  Are you ready to talk?"

"Are you going to give me my transceiver back?" she asked.


"Then what do you think?"

Boba changed his approach. He dropped elbows to the table and sat forward.  "You know, you would have died back there. They weren't going to capture you and make a negotiation. They were going to make an example."

Leia stared past him without a word.

"Those two up in the cockpit, Sabine and Zeb. They fought for the first Rebellion. Maybe you knew them, maybe not.  They were part of the very beginning of the Rebel Alliance, back with Cham Syndulla. And it seems to me, we are not that far from the same kind of struggle right now."

Leia moved her eyes to look in his direction.

Boba continued with a forced exhale.  "After the Empire fell, it wasn't good. You remember."  He waved his hand toward her.  "Warlords and military generals trying to grab power as quick as possible. The order that the Empire maintained with an iron fist was gone. And anyone with might could and tried to take control. Sabine and Zeb had to do what they could to stay alive."

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