The Legacy of an Inquisitor

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Rey and Luke had gone through the transport to the officer's deck. To their surprise, the hallways were largely empty. A stray officer would cross at an intersection but would always seem hurried. Rey continued to hear the voice calling her, and she pursued with no other thought. Her steps became more rushed the further they went.

"She's getting louder," Rey said.

"Calm yourself," Luke advised. "Do not let your emotions rule you."

Luke noticed the intersecting corridors had more personnel than the one they were traveling as if it was intentional to keep the path clear. "I've got a bad feeling about this," he muttered to himself.

"There! I saw her!" she exclaimed and began to run down the grey corridor.

Luke ran after her calling out for her to wait. She turned to her left and down another empty corridor with one large closed armored door.

"She went in here," Rey said as she went to the control panel.

Luke catching up said, "Wait, Rey. Something's wrong."

She heedlessly opened the door, not caring for his concern. An immense room opened before them, filled with darkness. She could see no walls and no ceiling in the dark. However, centered in the room was a large black container.

"I know that cell," she said, recognizing it as the portable cell she had seen in the Jedi temple vision. She ran to it with excited and quick steps and punched in the command to open the door into the display. The black doors cracked and gasped as the air exited. They opened slowly, gliding to each side. Rey stood in desperate anticipation, her fingers gripping the fabric at the edge of her tan uniform. The doors opened. Rey's eyes widened and her mouth gaped. She took a step back and raised her hands to her mouth. The open container revealed, not an imprisoned mother, but a desiccated and gaunt woman encased in a transparent green capsule, her eyes closed and her arms crossed over her breast. She was lifeless. Still, Rey realized that it was the same woman that had led her here. It was her mother.

"NO! NO! NO!" she cried out and began pounding on the glass with the butt of her staff.

"I am glad that I get to witness this reunion," a voice interjected, cold and emotionless. "Amazing techniques that the Inquisitors of the Empire had used to lure Jedi. Effective, don't you think?"

Rey and Luke switched their gaze to the darkness at their right. Kylo Ren stepped out, followed by the four knights. Rey's countenance instantly morphed from despair to anger. "Do what you will with the apprentice," Kylo Ren said to the knights. "But leave Skywalker to me."

Luke ignited his father's blue lightsaber giving a bright glow in the darkness. Kylo Ren and the knights advanced, their own lightsabers ablaze with red.

"This is your end, Kylo Ren," said Rey, "and the end of anyone that gets in between me and you."

She held out her staff and activated it. A lightsaber blade erupted out of each end. The knights stopped short, and Kylo Ren stared in astonishment at the sight. Her lightsaber blades had no color at all. They were void of all light, linear black holes drawing all light into them. Only the pale aura surrounding them could be seen. She had crafted a black-bladed lightsaber.


Finn struggled under the weight of the two packs of explosives. Chewbacca seemed to be a little slower as well. They were always cautious when moving from the cover of one TIE to the next, causing them to sprint, stop, sprint, and stop. The effort was exhausting them, even with Poe and Finn trading packs from time to time. However, this effort saved them many times from being noticed by patrolling guards and droids.

Episode VIII Rise of the Dark JediTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang