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Finn and his men ran for the corridor. Another soldier screamed out with a deadly shrill as he was shot in the back and fell like a sack to the ground.

Kylo Ren looked to Phasma. "Follow them."

"Yes, sir," she responded and took her troopers to follow.

Kylo Ren then raised his communicator. "Jax, where is General Organa?"

"I'm afraid she has some help we hadn't planned for. She was accompanied by a Mandalorian and a Lasat--an ugly one too," the man who had been chasing after Leia responded.

"Don't give me excuses. You were left behind to avoid this! Do you know where she is?"

"Uh, give me a moment. I'm tapping into Kamino security right now and will find them any
. . . ah, here it is, they are heading for platform 2189."

"Good, stop them from leaving. We are coming now." Kylo Ren put away the communicator and coldly turned to his knights. "Lura, follow Phasma and cleanup if you need to."

The cloaked woman with the heavy blaster ran off to chase Phasma's squad.

"The rest of you are all coming with me." Kylo Ren ordered.


Finn was down to four soldiers and himself. They were now running through a gently curving corridor with blaster fire at their heels. Every fifty yards there was another landing platform, but no sign of Mara, Kochack, or the pilots. Another blaster round ripped past him hitting one of the soldiers in the head. Now it was down to him and three others.

"We need some breathing room!" he yelled as he fired at one of the door controls they approached. Hitting his target precisely, the blast door slid down.

"Hurry," he called to the soldiers. The first one ran through, the second ducked his head, the third bent over. Finn, a few steps behind, leapt and rolled under as the door sealed behind him.

"That won't stop them, but gives us time."

They continued down the corridor passing a few more platforms until Finn found the soldiers with the flight officer and pilot. The platform was empty except for a few maintenance ports to either side.

Finn ordered the flight officer to contact Captain Burke and arrange for a pick up.

"Cover that corridor," he commanded.

The five soldiers, two pilots, and Finn took cover at each maintenance port and aimed at the exit. They huffed and caught their breath in the brief moment. It was not long, however, before the contingent came to the door and used its side walls as cover. An initial volley of shots was fired from both sides; largely ineffective by both parties.

Lura stepped out into the open, raised her rifle, and fired two shots, aiming at targets forty yards away. One hit Mara's hand that was just outside of the port, destroying her hand and the blaster it held. She screamed out and clenched her arm to her chest. The other struck a firing soldier in the forehead, piercing his helmet and dropping him. Both were with Finn. The flight officer and pilot, also with Finn, slunk down, grasping their pistols but fearing to use them.

Lura changed the settings on her rifle while Phasma and the stormtroopers laid down cover. Kochack and the other two soldiers fiercely returned fire. Lura looked down the barrel of her precision rifle, a calm sense of purpose taking her, she took a controlled breath, and with unblinking eyes aimed at the far maintenance port. She pulled the trigger with the effort of an uncaring executioner. The rifle kicked back into her face plate, but she was unphased. It appeared that she missed, hitting only the port itself, but a well-hidden Resistance soldier fell over dead. She had shot him through the barrier.

Episode VIII Rise of the Dark JediWhere stories live. Discover now