Chapter 59 - Part 1

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Dark tension and loneliness filled the building as we all entered walking down the hallway towards the meeting room. The warehouse seemed empty, quiet and deserted. Something was off because the spot was never usually like this. It was something that made me feel off. I wanted turn around and leave but I couldn’t. My body continued to move forward. The hallway felt like it was stretching on the further I got closed to the door down the hall. The door where Wiz awaited us.

I looked back at the crew who could also tell the off-ness in the building. I glanced over at Ty and I can tell he was having the same vibe that I was. I looked back straight ahead noticing that the door was a step away. I looked down at the door knob, placing my hand around the handle and slowly turning it. I opened the door and walked into the room, and it was barely lit. No one was in there. The crew walked in behind me and we seated ourselves, waiting for Wiz to appear.

Something wasn’t right about only us four being the only ones in the room. The lights were dimmed but it was enough to see everyone and everything in the room. The air was filled with something that I couldn’t pin point, it was just strange. Everything about this day seemed strange. My whole vibe was off and I didn’t know what to think. Only thing I thought was to sit here and see what was really going on. I wasn’t dumb.

I cleared my throat to clear the silence in the room. I observed everyone in the room. Sean looked laid back but the way his fitted went over his eyes, I could tell he was uncomfortable. Mijo was on his phone, texting away as usual. Ty was just as observant as me. Our eyes met and he gave me the nod, meaning that if shit went down, we would have each others backs no matter what.

A couple of guys entered the room, heading over to the door that we entered, standing right in front of it. Shortly after Wiz entered with his usual two body guards behind him. He sat down at the head of the table, with his hands folded on the table. One of the guards placed down a ashtray with a blunt in right next to him. He nodded his head in appreciation to the guard and looked back up at us. The two guards left out the room, leaving us, Wiz and the guys standing by the door. I glanced over at the guy who had a mean stare at me.

“Where is everyone?” I asked looking at Wiz, he couldn’t even look me in the eye.

“This is just meeting for ya’ll. It had to be done as soon as possible.” Wiz said.

“What had to be done?” Ty said confused, I was just as confused as he was. The whole crew looked at each other and then directed their attention back to Wiz. Wiz wiped his hands over his face and leaned back in his chair.

“Look Breezy …” He started. I looked at him, my eyes never leaving his. Everybody in the room had their attention on Wiz and I. It was obvious that this meeting was for me in specifically, but why did he tell everyone else to come? He hung his head down low, like he couldn’t bare to look me in the face.

“What is is Wiz? Where’s Bow?” I asked getting aggravated.

“He’s dead …” Wiz spoke up looking at me. “He’s fucking dead.” He said letting out a deep breathe at the end of the words that sent shivers and trembles up and down my body. What did he mean Bow was dead?

“You fucking said he was here Wiz, what happened?” Ty said with anger in his voice. He looked to his side and up to the ceiling.

“What the fuck is going on!?!” I slightly yelled at Wiz. He looked back at me letting out a sigh.

“Dre killed him and this nigga is threatening all of us.” Wiz spit out. Rage filled my body.

“How long has he been dead, two fucking weeks!?” I yelled at Wiz, slamming my fist down on the table.

You the Best, Yo (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz