Chapter 30

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A couple days later I decided to give the YMCA a call to schedule a meeting to talk about my community service. They told me to come into today so I could speak to them about it and see what there is available for me to do. I drove down to the YMCA which was minutes away from my house. I walked into the building and walked over to the front desk.

“Hey I’m here to speak with Ms. Thomas.” I told the lady behind the desk. She picked up the phone calling someone and told me to sit down and wait. I wonder what type of things they would have me doing. Watch the kids, play with them. I liked kids, so I felt like I was going to be fine.

“Amarie?” A women walked out asking. I stood up and walked over to her. She smiled at me and held her hand out. I shook her hand and smiled back. “I’m Ms. Thomas, lets head back to my office.” She said and I followed behind her. We sat down in her office and we started the meeting.

“So I see that you are here to get some hours in for your community service. Is that right?” She asked. I nodded. “Okay well, you seem like a very nice girl. Tell me a little about yourself.” She said. I was left speechless. I didn’t know what to say. No one ever asked me this question, and it got me thinking. Do I really even know myself?

“Well, I … I guess you can say I’m down to earth.” I said simply. She looked at me with questioning eyes. 

“Oh okay, well that seems good for now. We have some positions open with some of the teens. You look like you have advice to give to them. Do you think you would be a good mentor?” She asked. Damn, I wanted to work with younger kids but anything besides scrubbing walls was fine.

“Yeah, I can be a good mentor I feel like ..” I said. I could at least try. She smiled.

“Okay well, I’ll call you in a couple of days and we can get started.” She said getting up to shake my hand.

“Okay.” I said smiling shaking her hand back.


I headed back to my place and laid in my bed. For some reason I had a lot of shit on my mind. I wasn’t making enough money to support myself fully and I refused to let Chris know. My rent was constantly late and I would always get threats from the landlord to get evicted. I couldn’t buy the clothes that I wanted, and I could barely afford to pay my phone bill but I some how managed to do so every time. I really needed a second option for income. I decided to hit up one of my boys who I knew sold. I wasn’t trying to go back into that life but I was money hungry.

“Yo Clevon.” I said when he picked up the phone. Yeah I was calling my ex-jump off but I needed some money and he was the only one I knew that sold his own shit. Clevon grew his own shit and sold it, and I knew I could be down with that. Even though he didn’t want me to sell, I would manage to get him to help me out.

“What’s up baby. You haven’t called me in the longest. What you want? This mad dick?” He said.

“No Clevon, I need a favor.” I said starting to get annoyed.

“What is it?” He said dryly.

“You still grow right?” I asked him. He was silent for a minute, like he knew what I was about to ask him. Probably debating whether or not he should lie to me.

“What is it to you?” He said going around the question.

“I wanna sell. I can’t sell for Wiz no more cause I had some problems with Dre but I need you to hook me up, or something. You my boy right?” I said pleading.

“Yeah, I’m ya boy who haven’t heard from your ass in months. Where the fuck you been? New nigga or something?” He said. Here we go with Clevon’s jealous ass.

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