Chapter 29 - Dragon Island

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Here we are, Dragon Island, after three days of sailing we have finally arrived at the end of our journey. I read books about the island and the only information I found was where the name came from. The book stated that Dragons used to live on this island and humans named it after its inhabitants. I wondered why information on this island is so limited. "Listen up Fairy Tail, some of you will be placed in the search group while the others will be staying aboard to guard the ship. Erza can you please read out the people in the search group?" Natsu ordered and stepped aside for Erza.

She unrolled a parchment and spoke with authority. "Alright, the crewmembers who will be participating in the search will be Captain Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Levy, Wendy, Carla, Gajeel, Patherlily, Gray and myself" she read out. "Wait a minute!" Natsu exclaimed and everyone turned to him in confusion. "I didn't put Gray on the list" he complained, "I've added him because I feel he would be a good asset to the team" Erza replied. "I don't want him on our team" Natsu complained, "it's not like I like being on the same team as you, Dragon Breath" Gray said. "What did you call me Ice Princess?! Oh, sorry Lucy" Natsu retorted, turning to me to apologise and then back to glaring at Gray. "I took no offense" I said as they threw magic-related insults at each other.

The fight quickly ended when Erza knocked them out and lifted their unconscious bodies onto her shoulders like they weighed nothing. "Lets go search group" she ordered as she walked down the gangplank. Everyone on the search team followed her with no complains, making sure they aren't next on Erza's 'knock out and carry' list.

As we walked through the forest, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful it is. The luscious green leaves drew my attention to the trees and I can't help but feel relaxed here. Ferns and bright coloured flowers decorated the soft grass at our feet. Moss climbed the roots of the trees and vines dangled down from the branches. As we were passing a lake that looked good enough to swim in, the boys on Erza's shoulders were starting to stir. Hearing this, Erza dropped the boys roughly and they groaned as they hit the ground.

I held my hand out to help Natsu up and he happily grabbed my hand. Even after pulling him up to his feet, he continued to hold my hand. I looked down at our hands and then back up to his face who was smiling at me. He shifted his hand so our fingers were laced together. I gave him a smile and he returned a cheeky grin of his own before giving me a peck on the cheek. Someone made a gag noise and we turned to see it was a shirtless Gray. 'He's stripped again' I thought. He was holding his stomach and was acting like he's trying not to puke. "Too much PDA. I feel so sorry for you Lucy, having to be kissed by Flame Brain must be disgusting" he said. Natsu gave him a deadly glare but didn't move. I'm guessing he wanted to fight Gray but he didn't want to let go of my hand.

"Shut up Popsicle! Lucy come here" Natsu said and then turned my head towards him and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips. I was shocked at first but soon relaxed and returned the kiss. "Ew!" Gray exclaimed and I thought he was being really childish now. I broke the kiss off and turned to Gray. "It won't be disgusting when you kiss Juvia" I teased and I heard Happy and Natsu snicker beside me. A blush appeared on Gray's cheeks, 'that's the reaction I wanted' I thought with a smirk on my face.

"We need to keep moving" Erza said to us. "Aye" we replied and caught up with the group. Natsu held my hand the entire time as we continued on our search. "This place looks familiar. I feel like I've been here before" Natsu said, "I feel like I've been here too but I don't know why" Wendy said. "Same and the smells are familiar too" Gajeel said as all three Dragon Slayers looked around.

Soon we found a cave and we hoped an evil dragon whose likes to eat humans doesn't live in there. We slowly walked into the cave with Natsu leading the way. No one dared to make a sound. The whole cave was illuminated with crystals of different colours and shapes. Suddenly Natsu stopped, "what's wrong Natsu?" I asked him. He looked like he was in a trance. "I know this cave" he muttered and then let go of my hand as he ran further into the cave. We ran after him and found him standing at the end of the cave.

Around him looked like a human lived here with an iron podium standing in the middle. In a pile in the corner of the room, were a few blankets for a bed with some brown pants that would fit a child. There were some scratch marks on the cave wall with years next to it which I guess was to measure how tall the child grew every year. Next to that were some child hand prints that looked like it was burnt into the stone. I stood next to Natsu and looked at him. My eyes widened in surprise as I saw him crying. "Are you ok Natsu?" I asked him, "this is the cave I grew up with Igneel" he replied not even looking at me.

Everyone was shocked at what he said. I looked around at Natsu's childhood home. "I thought I would never find this place again" Natsu said to no one in particular. He wandered closer to the burnt handprints and ran his hand along them. Happy and I went over to him while the rest of our group explored the rest of the room. Natsu put his hand on the wall next to his younger self's handprint. His hand was twice the size of the handprint. "I remember the day I did this handprint. It was the day before Igneel disappeared" he told me and Happy. "I'm glad you have some good memories here Natsu" I said. I wish I could feel the same way about my home at the castle. Memories of losing Mother and Father will haunt me whenever I set foot inside the castle.

I felt Natsu grasp my hand and I looked up at him. "Fairy Tail is our home now" he said with that big toothy grin of his. I smiled back, "you're right" I replied. Even though I have some bad memories from the castle, I know I can make new amazing ones with my family at Fairy Tail because Fairy Tail is my home.

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