Chapter 1 - Fairy Tail

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The port town of Hargeon, a town beside the ocean. The sun, like a jewel in the sky, was shining on the town. Thin fluffy white clouds danced across the sky. I felt like the warm of the sunlight on my skin was telling me that today was going to be a good day.

With a cloak over my head, I walked through the bustling market streets of Hargeon. This town was well known for their fish markets. It's been a week since I'd ran away from my castle. Let me introduce myself, I'm Princess Lucy Heartfilia, first and only princess of the Celestial Kingdom. My father's heart became cold ever since mother passed away when I was six and life in the castle had become unbearable for myself.

He would never let me out of my bedroom unless it was for my etiquette lessons. I felt like a bird in a cage. Every night I would watch the ocean from my bedroom balcony. The moonlight illuminating the water's beauty. The stars decorated the night sky and I always remember all the constellations that my mother use to point out to me when I was little. Occasionally I would see ships sailing across the water's surface and envy them. They could go wherever they wanted to with no trails and no rules. As I watched the ships sail by, I would imagine what life would be like as a sailor. Exploring and having adventures in new and vast lands.

I reached my limit in my caged castle life when my father summoned me into his throne room. I wondered why he summoned me when he said I was to be wed to Prince Zeref of the Darkness Kingdom. My father went too far this time, I didn't want to marry someone I didn't love. If mother was here she would've stopped father but since she isn't, I had to take this matter into my own hands.

That same night that father had summoned me, I decided to run away from the castle and never look back. I changed into the most comfortable clothing I had in my closet which was a white summer dress. I attached my keys that my mother passed down to me on a thin brown belt that I have wrapped around my waist. I took some food from the kitchen and took the bag of gold from my bedroom which I've been saving for a time like this. I covered myself in a cloak and after sneaking around the castle, I finally had my freedom.

Now miles away from the castle, in Hargeon, I felt liberated. Free from my father, free from my cage. I had a smile across my face as I watched the happy towns people living their lives. The salty scent of the ocean tickled my nose and I followed the scent to the docks. This was my first time being close to the ocean and the ships similar to the ones I've been watching on my balcony.

One particular ship caught my eye, the figurehead at the front of the ship was a fairy with a tail and written in cursive across the railing of the ship said 'Fairy Tail'. I lowered my cloak's hood to get a better look at the ship. This ship was astonishing, "she's a beautiful ship, isn't she?" a man with spiky salmon hair said beside me. "Yes she is, is she your ship?" I asked, I had no fear for this stranger next to me. For some reason, I felt like I could trust this man and he looked around my age.

"Yes she is and I'm the captain of this ship" he replied proudly. "You're the captain? Wow it must be fun to travel across the seven seas" I said with a hint of sadness in my voice. I was envious of him, he could sail wherever he wants while I can only watch the ocean from the shore. "Have you wanted to travel across the sea?" his question snapped me out of my thoughts. "Yes but I've never had to the chance to" I sigh, "sorry I've rambled, goodbye" I added and I was about to walk away when his hand touched my shoulder.

"What's your name?" he asked, "isn't it polite to tell the person your name first?" I said. "Alright, my name is Natsu Dragneel. Now yours?" he asked with a big grin on his face. "Nice to meet you Natsu, my name is Lucy. Just Lucy" I answered and he smiled brightly. Suddenly, he grabbed my wristed and started pulling me with him "come on Lucy!" he said as he pulled me away. "What are you doing Natsu?" I asked and he didn't answer my question.

He pulled me up the gangplank that connected the ship Fairy Tail to the docks. "Set sail!" Natsu called out to his crew and "aye!" his crew replied to his order. "Natsu you can't set sail with me on your ship!" I exclaimed, panicked. He pulled me to what I guessed was his captain's quarters. Within his captain's quarters, he had a double bed, private bathroom and on the far side of the wooden wall underneath a porthole, sat a wooden desk full of scrolls and maps.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail Lucy!" Natsu said with his arms out wide. "What is the meaning of this Natsu?!" I asked mad and confused. I suddenly felt the rocking of the ship and looking out the porthole I could see Hargeon getting further and further away. "You said you wanted to travel across the sea but never had the chance, right? Well now you have one" he said still smiling.

My eyes widen with realisation, Natsu is giving me the chance to sail across the seven seas. The one thing I wanted since I've been trapped in my bedroom overlooking the ocean from my balcony. "So what do you say Lucy? Want to join Fairy Tail?" he asked, "yes!" I said excitedly. "Welcome to my crew Lucy, where do you want the insignia and what colour?" he asked. I thought about it for a moment, "pink and on my right hand" I replied.

He brought out a stamp and stamped my right hand. I admired the pink Fairy Tail insignia on my hand. "There's something I forgot to tell you, we're a pirate ship" he said and my eyes widened.

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