Chapter 9 - Dragon Mating Season

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Natsu's POV

Since I met Lucy at Hargeon Docks, I felt a connection to her that I couldn't explain. I knew I had to get to know her more and get her to join my pirate crew, Fairy Tail. After seeing Lucy crying on deck, I instantly ran to her side to find out who made her cry. If it was a guy, I was going to burn him to ashes! I grabbed her shoulders, "who made you cry! Just tell me who it was and I'll beat them to a pulp!" I said urgently. "No one made me cry. These are happy tears Natsu" she replied while wiping her tears away. I sighed in relief after Mira explained the reason behind Lucy's tears. I was glad to hear that she felt like she is a part of the Fairy Tail family. I gave her my signature grin then I felt someone grab the back of my collar.

"We need to talk to you" the one holding my collar, Gajeel said. I struggled against his pull shouting for him to let go as Laxus followed behind us. They took me below deck to the storage room. Once inside, Gajeel tossed me to floor as Laxus closed the door behind us. "What was that for?!" I exclaimed, "we need a serious talk with you" Laxus said. I sighed, "what about?" I asked, sitting cross-legged.

"Dragon Mating Season" Laxus said, "so what about it?" I asked confused. I knew all about it from my dad, Igneel. Dragon Mating Season comes once a year and only effects a Dragon Slayer who has come of age. If they haven't met their mate then they will get an urge to find them. If they have met, even if the Dragon Slayer knows or not, they get urges to mark them as theirs. The Dragon Slayer will become possessive and protective of their mate, before and after marking them. Dragon Mating Season happens for a month and we were currently in the middle of the season.

"You haven't realised then?" Gajeel sighed. "Realised what?" I asked, tilting my head to the side still confused. "That Lucy's your mate" Laxus said, I took a minute to register what he said. "What?! How do you know it's her?!" I exclaimed. "You took her onboard our pirate ship, which is unusual since you never invited a person let alone a woman onto the ship before even when Gramps was Captain. Then during her 'Welcome Onboard' party, you punched Gray for talking to her. Then when Sabertooth kidnapped her, what did you do? You set yourself ablaze and if the ship wasn't magic proof then you would've burnt down the whole ship. No one wanted to go near you in case you burned them to ashes. Then after we rescued her, you took her to your quarters to check if she was alright. Then just today, you hugged her romantically from behind while looking out at the scenery. Then just before we stepped in, when you saw her crying, you stopped your argument with Gray just to see if she was alright." Laxus explained.

I thought about what he told me and realised "LUCY'S MY MATE!" I exclaimed. "Finally got through to your dense brain" Gajeel said, "at least I'm not a Metal Head!" I complained. "You wanna go Salamander?!" Gajeel challenge, "stop it you two" Laxus said as he got in between us. "So, what are you going to do, now that you know she's your mate?" Laxus asked. I thought about it for a second. "I don't want to force the mark on Lucy so I'll take it slow and get to know her more, then ask her out when the time is right. Once she's my girlfriend then I can mark her" I said.

"You know you're the last Dragon Slayer whose come of age onboard who hasn't marked their mate" Gajeel said. "It's not my fault that you met Levy before I met Lucy" I replied, "but it's fun to tease you about it" Gajeel said with a smirk. I turned to Laxus trying not to punch Gajeel in the face. "So how did you mark Mira, Laxus?" I asked for advice, knowing that the Metal Head would be useless. I saw what he did, he picked Levy up and carried her to the storage room. They came back on deck a few minutes later, Levy was blushing so hard it almost matched Erza's hair and an iron dragon mark was on the side of her neck.

"I got to know her more and occasionally gave her a gift whenever we were in port" Laxus answered. "That seems like the best plan" I thought, "make sure not to give her too many or she might feel overwhelmed" Laxus warned. "Right! So what type of gifts should I give her?" I asked. "Flowers usually always work but they treasure jewellery because whenever they look at it they will instantly think of you" he explained. "Right jewellery and flowers, got it!" I said eagerly.

We didn't realise we were talking for so long till Gray came into the room looking for us. "Dinner is ready...What are you guys talking about?" Gray asked curiously. "Nothing" the three of us replied. "Well it's my turn for night watch, see you" Laxus said as he left the room. Gajeel and I went with Gray to the mess hall.

When we entered the mess hall, I saw Mira, Levy and Lucy serving the food. 'Please let Lucy serve my food' I thought as I sat down. While I waited for my food, I realised that if I eat my dinner while Lucy is serving, she wouldn't be eating with me. She would be eating alone after she finished serving. I decided to wait until Lucy finished serving the food before I eat so I can eat with her.

I was extremely happy it was Lucy who placed my dinner in front of me but I didn't touch it. "Not hungry Natsu?" Lucy asked, curiously. "If I eat now you will be eating alone later" I explained. I noticed a small blush form on her face, "Lucy I can handle the rest so how about you sit and eat with Natsu" Mira said sweetly. Lucy took up Mira's offer and sat next to me with her own meal. 'Thanks Mira' I thought, happy that Lucy is eating with me.

"What do you think?" Lucy asked as I took a bite. "Delicious, why?" I asked, "good because Levy and I helped Mira cook this" she replied. I was surprised that Lucy helped cook this. Usually Mira cooks the meals, sometimes with her sister Lisanna. "If you cook anything by yourself, I have to be the first to try it!" I exclaimed. She looked shocked for a second before replying "alright you can be the first one onboard to try my cooking" she giggled. "Cook my dinner tomorrow night, only for me. Only I can have your cooking" I said. She happily agreed and I was excited for tomorrow night.   

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