Chapter 4 - Sabertooth

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I was sitting on the bed in the captain's quarters, listening to the fight outside. I heard an unfamiliar voice shout "attack!" and then the sound of swords clashing. Suddenly I saw a shadow crawl under the door. I scrambled to my feet and ran to the far side of the room. Losing sight of the shadow, I franticly looked around for it when a hand covered my mouth and another hand held my wrists behind my back.

I could tell it was a man. His hand muffled my scream as I tried to struggle out of his grip. "Be quiet and I won't have to hurt you" he whispered in my ear. He dragged me over to Natsu's desk and looked quickly through his documents. I knew he shouldn't be looking through Natsu's documents so I struggled to try to get him away from the desk.

I heard the man sigh lightly before he dragged me towards the door. "Don't struggle" he whispered as he uncovered my mouth and moved his hand to turn the door knob. Pushing me out the door, I saw everyone locked in combat. I noticed Natsu fighting a man with spiky blond hair and a diagonal scar above his right eye. "Captain Sting" the man holding me called out, interrupting their fight.

The two captains turned to look at us and Natsu became shocked. "Let her go Rogue!" Natsu shouted angrily, "who do we have here?" Sting said with a smirk. I felt uncomfortable as Sting's eyes looked at me up and down. "A new recruit?" Sting asked towards Natsu. "Leave her alone Sting!" Natsu growled.

Rogue abruptly pulled me to the side with him and I noticed lumps of ice were where he stood. "I wondered where your shadowy butt slithered off to" Gray said pointing his icy sword towards Rogue. "Sabertooth, we're leaving! Rogue you know what to do" Sting said with another smirk. "Aye Captain Sting" Rogue replied, "Lucy!" Natsu and Gray shouted before all I saw was black.

In a blink of an eye, I was back on deck but on Sabertooth's ship! The ship was sailing further and further away from Fairy Tail. I saw Natsu shouting orders and the Fairy Tail crew scrambling to their posts getting ready to set sail. A hand grabbed my chin and pulled my gaze away from Fairy Tail's ship to Captain Sting's face. "Now why did Captain Natsu hide such a pretty girl away in his quarters, hm? What makes you so special to him?" he said, inspecting my face.

"Special?" I mumbled confused, Sting snickered "I've never seen him hide a new recruit before and that look in his eyes towards you was different from how he looks at his crew" he said. "I don't know what you're talking about. We only met yesterday" I said. "Oh? Interesting" he replied, "Rogue. Take her to my quarters, you know what to do" he ordered. I felt scared, what was he going to do with me? "Aye Captain Sting" Rogue replied and began to drag me away. I struggled against his grip but it was no use, he was too strong.

Once Rogue dragged me into the captain's quarters, he pulled me over towards the bed. My fear raised, "no! Let me go!" I screamed. "It's not what you think" he said as he pulled out a bundle of rope. "What do you expect me to think, you pervert?!" I complained, he didn't say a word as he tied my wrists together in front of me. He forced me to sit down on the edge of the bed and tied my bound wrists to the metal bedhead. I pulled against my restraints as Rogue walked towards the door. "Don't worry, we won't hurt you" he said with his back to me before walking out the door. I heard a click, signalling that he locked the door.

Instead of just waiting around for Sting or Rogue to come back, I tried to free myself. An hour later, the door opened revealing Sting and my efforts ended with sore wrists from the rope burn because Rouge had tied the ropes tightly. "What do you want?" I said with a slight glare, "feisty, I like it" he replied a smirk creeped onto his face. As he walked closer, I noticed he had a plate of food in his hand. "Lunch time" he said cheerfully, I turned my head away "I don't want your food" I said. "Aw don't be like that" he pouted as he sat down beside me, 'what happened to his earlier attitude?' I wondered.

"What's with that look?" he questioned, "you seemed cocky earlier and now you're being cheerful" I answered suspiciously. "Well if I was cheerful all the time my crew wouldn't give me any respect..." "we don't respect you" Rouge interrupted, who appeared at the door. "Shut up Rogue!" Sting exclaimed, "ahem as I was saying, how could I not be cheerful around a pretty girl like you" he added. "You sound like a pervert" Rogue said, "I'm not a pervert!" Sting argued.

Sting turned towards me to say something else until something caught his eye. "So, you're a Celestial Wizard and you have ten of the gold Zodiac keys?" he asked and I realised he was looking at my keys on my belt. "Please don't take my friends away" I said worriedly, "we won't, we understand how precious your keys are to you because we have a Celestial Wizard ourselves with two gold Zodiac keys" Sting said proudly. My eyes widened, 'another Celestial Wizard?' I thought. I was surprised because it's rare to find a Celestial Wizard, especially someone else with the remaining gold Zodiac keys. Also I've never met another Celestial Wizard besides my mother.

"How did you get ten Zodiac keys?" Sting asked, "I inherited them from my late mother" I answered. Sting was about to say something else when a girl with short white hair appeared in the doorway. "Sorry, but I was coming here to tell Captain something and did I hear correctly about ten Zodiac keys?" the girl asked. "Ah Yukino, good timing. This girl, Lucy I think her name is, is a Celestial Wizard like you and she cares about her spirits" Sting said.

"Oh wow, you love your spirits as much as I do?" Yukino said as she got a closer look at my keys. "Oh yeah, what were you wanting to tell us Yukino?" Sting asked, "oh, we are almost at Bone Island" she replied. "Great! Lets go prepare for docking Rogue and Yukino" Sting said as he stood up and walked out the door. "I hope to talk to you later Lucy" Yukino said before following Rogue and Sting out the door. 

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