Chapter 10 - Dead Dragon's Peak

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We finally arrived at Dead Dragon's peak. The ship anchored close to the shore and a few of us, including me, went on land to explore the island. The team included Natsu, Gray, Erza, Wendy, Happy, Carla and me. "Lucy you're a woman, right?" Happy asked while we hiked up the mountain where the map said the Dragon Jewel was. "Do you want to get punched?" I asked annoyed. Happy likes to make rude comments towards me every now and then.

"I want to ask for advice" he said quietly, "what about?" I asked. "How can I get Carla to like me?" he asked, I thought about it for a bit. "Give her things she likes, like tea or maybe flowers?" I suggested, "thanks Lucy!" Happy flew towards Wendy and Carla.

We eventually got to the cliff that the map led us to. Littered across the top of the cliff was dragon skeletons. "Wow!" we exclaimed, Natsu stayed close to me as everyone explored the area, inspecting the skeletons. "Now we know why it's called Dead Dragon's Peak" Gray commented. "I found a cave!" Happy called out and we looked over to him to see a massive cave entrance, big enough for a dragon to walk through.

"Great job Happy!" Natsu praised, then we walked inside. Beautiful multicoloured crystals luminated the dark cave. There were twice as many dragon skeletons as outside but it didn't take anything from the cave's beauty. It made the cave more mysterious and interesting. At the end of the cave, inside one of the dragon skeleton's body sat a golden treasure chest. "There it is!" we cheered, Natsu walked up to the treasure chest.

"Careful Flame Brain there might be a trap as soon as you open it" Gray said, "I agree, heed caution" Erza said. Natsu nodded his head and everyone became cautious as he slowly opened the treasure chest. Fortunately, nothing happened and everyone let out the breath they were holding. "What's inside Natsu?" Happy asked, "the Dragon Jewel, a book and a map" Natsu replied as he shut the treasure chest. He picked it up and walked over to us, again no traps were triggered.

We safely left the cave and descended the mountain. Once onboard, everyone surrounded us to get a glimpse of the treasure. Natsu showed everyone the red Dragon Jewel and everyone awed at it. Natsu handed the chest to me, "Levy, Lucy, I want you both to go through this book and map to find out more about the Dragon Jewel" he said. "Aye!" we said and ran down to the ship's library, eager to read the book and find our next destination.

The map and Dragon Jewel sat on the desk as we decided to read through the book first. "The first part of the book must be the history of the Dragon Jewel" Levy said as she read the beginning. "What does it say?" I asked, "it says. Long ago, when dragons walked the earth, a war broke out for the procession of the Elemental Dragon Jewel between the ten dragon kingdoms. Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light, Darkness, Ice, Metal, Lightning and Celestial. There were many casualties and now they rest in peace at Dead Dragon's Peak" Levy read. "That explains all the dragon skeletons" I commented.

Levy continued to read the book, "the war was resolved when the four major kingdoms, Fire, Water, Earth and Air decided to split the Elemental Dragon Jewel into four Dragon Jewels representing each of the four kingdom's elements. Each kingdom took their element's Dragon Jewel and hid them away" she read. "This is one of them?" I commented, looking at the red Dragon Jewel. "From what this says, yes and based on the colour this must be the Fire Dragon Jewel" Levy said. "This map must lead to the next Dragon Jewel" I concluded. "I agree" Levy said, "does it explain more about the Fire Dragon Jewel?" I asked and flicked through the pages.

"Here it is" I said as I found the page dedicated to the Fire Dragon Jewel. It showed an illustration of a red Dragon Jewel, identical to the Dragon Jewel we have. The description below read, "the Fire Dragon Jewel increases the magic power of any Fire element wizard who holds it" I read out loud. "We have to tell Natsu what we found" I said, "yeah lets go" Levy replied. I closed the book and I carried it as we ran to find Natsu.

We soon found him at the wheel, steering the ship. "Natsu we found something" I said excitedly as we stopped next to him. "What did you find?" he asked, we told him the history of the Dragon Jewels and information about the Fire Dragon Jewel. He was very interested in the information we found from the book. "So, there are three more of these Dragon Jewels?" he asked and we both nodded. "We need to find them all!" Natsu exclaimed excitedly.

"I have a theory. Since the map that led us to the Fire Dragon Jewel used fire to unlock the hidden passage. The next map should also tell us which element the next Dragon Jewel is" I said. "Wow Lu you might be onto something! So, the remaining elements are Water, Earth and Air. We need to figure this out now, come on Lu!" Levy said eagerly and dragged me back down to the library. Natsu was stunned as he watched Levy dragging below deck.

Once we were back in the library, Levy unrolled the map. "We need to figure out which element we need to unlock the hidden passage. It's not reacting to air so it must be either water or earth" Levy said as we inspected the map. I noticed part of the map was a slightly different shade to the rest of the map. "Levy, isn't that part darker than the rest?" I asked for a second opinion. "You're right" she said and smelt the part of the paper. "Lu! This liquid reacts to sea water!" she exclaimed.

Soon we brought a bucket of sea water and poured a bit onto the darkened part of the map. Our suspicions were correct as another hidden passage revealed itself. It read...

Be careful travelling under the moon,

Your next stop is Siren Lagoon.

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