Chapter 6 - Map

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"So, did Sabertooth tell you what they were looking for on this island?" Gray asked as we were on a small boat rowing towards where the Fairy Tail ship was anchored. "They said they were looking for a map" I answered, "do you mean this map?" Natsu asked as he pulled a rolled piece of paper out of his vest. "How did you get that?!" Gray and I exclaimed, "I picked it up on the way to saving Lucy. I can't believe someone left it lying around" Natsu answered calmly. "Sting is really not going to be happy with Fairy Tail" I sighed. As if on que, "FAIRY TAIL!" we heard Sting's voice from the other side of the island. "Get onboard!" Natsu said laughing and we quickly scaled up the rope ladder.

Everyone quickly ran to their posts to set sail. I walked up the stairs to the ship's wheel with Natsu, since I didn't have a job. "Wendy!" Natsu called out to the deck, "yes captain?" she asked. "First, remember I said you can call me Natsu and secondly can you use your Sky Dragon Roar to get us a head start?" Natsu asked. "Aye aye Natsu" she replied and used her roar when the sails were down.

In the distance, I could see Sting glaring at our ship as his crew rowed their small boat back to their ship. I couldn't help but laugh, 'he was so excited about getting that map too' I thought. "So where are we heading now?" I asked Natsu who was currently steering the ship. "Wherever the map takes us" Natsu answered, "Levy!" he called out. Levy ran over to us "yes Natsu?" she asked. "Can you set our coordinates to wherever this map leads?" he asked. "Aye Natsu" she said happily before running off somewhere below deck.

I watched as everyone was running around busy and felt a little useless so I decided to ask Natsu for a job. As I was about to ask him, he called out "Gray!" and said person came to see what he wanted. "Take the wheel" Natsu said and then came over to me by the railing. "Come with me" he said as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me away. "What? Natsu, where are we going?" I asked, "to my quarters" he answered without looking at me. I could tell something was on his mind.

As soon as we entered the door, Natsu slammed the door shut and locked it behind him. "Are you ok Natsu?" I asked worriedly, wondering if I did something wrong. He led me to the bed and forced me to sit down on the edge. He then brought over his wooden desk chair and pulled it up in front of me. He sat down on it backwards with his arms resting on the backrest. "What did Sting do to you?" he asked, finally making eye contact.

"That's all you wanted to know?" I asked, a little shocked at his question. "Yeah" he answered, I sighed in relief that he wasn't mad at me. I explained everything that happened from when I was taken to when they rescued me, including every conversation I had with them. Once I finished, Natsu sighed in relief "thank goodness nothing bad happened" he said. "Like what?" I asked, "we've bumped into Sabertooth loads of times before but we've always had a friendly fight. Sometimes they would steal some of our gold or we would steal theirs but I was surprised when he took you hostage. Sabertooth has never done that before and I know Sting can be a massive pervert" he explained.

"You can say that again. Oh, I forgot to mention, after Rogue got me he went through your desk" I mentioned. "That explains why he was in my quarters and how Rogue got his hands on you" he said. He grasped one of my sore wrists and gently rubbed his thumb over the red mark. "Better get Wendy to look at that" he said as he stood up from his chair with his hand holding mine. He led me out the door and below deck. We walked through the hallways till we stopped in front of a room that had a sign up that read 'Healer' on the door.

As we walked inside, we saw Wendy and Carla checking inventory. "We have Camomile, Echinacea, Ginger, Ginseng... Oh hi Natsu and Lucy" Wendy said noticing us in the room. "Can you heal her wrists please Wendy?" Natsu asked, "of course, come sit over here Lucy" Wendy said leading me over to a chair. "Hold your wrists out together" Wendy instructed and I did as she said. She then hovered her hands over my wrists and a faint blue glow came from her palms. I watched as the red marks slowly fade away into nothing along with the pain.

Once she was finished, I stared and rubbed my wrists amazed at Wendy's healing ability. "Wow, if you have this healing ability why do you need all these herbs?" I asked. "Sometimes my healing magic won't work so I use the herbs to make a medicine to help" she explained. "That makes sense" I said in understanding. "Come on Lucy, lets go check what everyone else is doing!" Natsu said happily as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the room. I couldn't help but think his hand was warm, almost like a nice summer breeze.

When we arrived on deck, I saw everyone having lively chats with one another. "Natsu!" Levy called out as she ran over to us with the map in her hand. "What is it Levy?" Natsu asked, "this is only one third of the map, we need to find the other two to complete it" Levy explained. "Do you know where to find the other two maps?" he asked, "no not yet' levy replied. "Mind if I help?" I asked, "do you know how to read maps?" Levy asked me. "I've studied them since I was little and know different techniques for hidden messages" I answered. Levy and Natsu seemed impressed at my knowledge of maps.

Natsu gave Levy a look and she happily nodded. I wondered what that was about. "Alright, you can be Levy's Assistant Navigator" Natsu announced. I was ecstatic, I finally had a job on the ship. "It will be a pleasure to work with you Lu" Levy said with a big smile. "Same here Levy" I smiled back, I was very excited to work with her.

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