Chapter 18 - Continuing our Adventure

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I was sitting at the bar, drinking one of Mira's delicious strawberry milkshakes. Ever since the first sip, I've become addicted to them. Natsu has been following me closely since he announced our relationship but now he's fighting Gray in the middle of the guild hall. "Pervy Flasher!" "Pink Haired Punk!" "Ice Princess!" "Flame Brain!" they yelled back and forth at each other. I delayed telling the Guild my secret because I was nervous but I promised myself that I would tell them by the end of the day.

"Lu!" I heard Levy call out and I saw her running up to me. "Hi Levy" I said, "I've figured out the next hidden passage and where the next jewel is" she told me as she sat on the stool next to me. "Oo, what does the hidden passage say?" I asked with interest. She put the paper with the passage in front of me to read. It read...

Don't become the Guardians' pray,

Find the next Dragon Jewel at Sabertooth Bay.

'Guardians' pray?' I wondered what that means. "I noticed a pattern with the hidden passages we've found. Remember the first jewel we found?" she said and I nodded. "Well, we used fire to find out the hidden passage, right? And, the Dragon Jewel we found afterwards was red. So, I believe that's the Fire Dragon Jewel! Next, we used water and found a blue Dragon Jewel, so I believe that's the Water Dragon Jewel!" she said getting more and more excited.

"So, which element is this one?" I asked but then I noticed the text was made out of soil. "Soil?" I muttered as I lightly brushed my fingers over the text. "I'm pretty sure this one is the Earth Dragon Jewel" she said, "Levy you're a genius!" I said, happily. "I'm happy for the compliment but it was you who figure out the first two hidden passages" she replied.

"What are you two talking about over here?" Natsu asked as he and Gray walked up to us. "Ah, done with your fight now?" I asked, "yeah and I won" Natsu chuckled. "Don't lie to her, it was obvious that I won that fight" Gray argued. "You must've been dreaming Snowflake because I definitely won!" Natsu argued back. "Anyway! Levy figured out the next Dragon Jewel is located at Sabertooth Bay" I said before they started another fight.

"Right, so we sail to Sabertooth Bay tomorrow morning" Natsu said with a big smile on his face. "I'll start making preparations" Gray said, "and I will map out our course" Levy said and both of them walked away. I felt like I should tell everyone now before they become too busy. "Natsu" I called as I stood up from my seat, "yes Lucy?" he replied. "I think I'm ready to tell them" I said, "are you sure?" he asked and I nodded. He pulled me over to the guild's stage.

He gave me a reassuring smile and then took a big breath, cupping his hands around his mouth. "Listen up! Lucy has an announcement to make!" he shouted, getting everyone's attention. I took a deep breath as they quiet down. 'It's now or never' I thought and then I felt someone grasp my hand. The hand belonged to Natsu and I was sure he was encouraging me. I relaxed and faced the anticipating guildmates. I saw Master sitting on the bar counter and he gave me a confident nod.

Thanks to Natsu and Master, I felt confident telling everyone my secret. "There's something I've been keeping from all of you. Since I've met you all, I grew to trust and love everyone in Fairy Tail. So, I feel comfortable to tell you my secret. Let me re-introduce myself, hello everyone my name is Lucy Heartfilia, princess of the Celestial Kingdom" I said.

"What?!" everyone except Natsu and Master exclaimed. Everyone started asking questions over each other. "Quiet!" Master shouted and everyone quiets down. "Lucy will be happy to answer your question but one at a time" he said as Natsu and I walked off the stage. Levy was the first person to speak up. "Why didn't you tell us sooner Lu?" she asked, "because I was scared of how you would treat me and try sending me back to my father after knowing my real identity" I answered.

Next Gray asked a question, "how come Natsu didn't react?" he asked. "She told me two days ago" Natsu answered for me. They kept asking me questions and I honestly answered every single one. I also told them what my life was like before I ran away and my reason for running away. As Master and Natsu said, they didn't resent me or treated me differently. I cried happy tears by the end as I was glad I found such an amazing family.

Natsu pulled me into a hug and I gladly hugged him back. "Don't you also have an announcement Natsu?" Master said from his seat on the bar counter. "Don't tell me he's secretly a prince?" Gray said. "Nah there's no way Salamander is a prince" Gajeel replied and Natsu glared at them. "If he marries Lucy then he would become one" Levy told them and then their jaws dropped. Natsu smirked at them and then gave me a peck on the lips before he ran back onto the stage.

"We will be continuing our adventure for the Dragon Jewels tomorrow morning!" Natsu said with a big grin on his face and the crew cheered. Everyone ran around getting supplies for the journey and Natsu came back over to me. He wrapped his arm over my shoulder, "I told you they would accept you like I did" he said. "Yeah you were right" I replied and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You missed" he said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes before giving him a kiss on the lips.

"Oi Flame Brain! Instead of flirting why don't you come over here and help!" Gray shouted from across the guild hall carrying a crate in his arms. "Shut up Ice Princess! You're just jealous!" Natsu shouted back and went to go fight with him. One part of the passage was stuck in my mind 'don't become the Guardians' pray', I wondered what will happen at Sabertooth Bay.

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