Chapter 26 - The Princess has Returned

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I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. I was still locked in this room on Zeref's ship. Zeref came into the room as I sat up on the bed. "We have arrived Princess Lucy and I will be escorting you to the castle" he said as he held his hand out. Knowing I had no choice, I stood up and walked past him out the door, ignoring his presence. I heard a sigh and footsteps behind me which I knew he was following me.

As soon as I set foot onto the dock, I was ushered into a carriage with Zeref and was rushed towards the castle. I stare out at the familiar streets of my kingdom as the carriage drove by. "Don't look so down. Your father will be very pleased about your return" Zeref said, trying to stir up conversation. "Is he really?" I asked sceptically, "is he happy that his daughter is home or that his expansion of wealth is secured? You know my father is only after the merging of our two kingdoms to expand his wealth, right?" I added. "I do indeed but I also have my own reasons for the request for your hand in marriage" he replied with a sharp gaze. "Which are?" I asked as I looked at him with a glare. He stayed silent for the rest of the trip, refusing to answer my question, as we arrived at the castle.

"Welcome home, Princess Lucy" Zeref said as he tried to help me out of the carriage but I refuse his hand and stepped out myself. I looked up at the castle I used to call home. 'I can't believe I'm back here again' I thought as I remembered all the good and bad memories I've had here. "The Princess has returned!" I heard the maids shouted happily throughout the castle. Everyone came to greet me, including Ms Spetto, Bero, Ribbon and Aed. I missed all of them.

"Princess Lucy, Prince Zeref, the king requests your presence" a maid spoke up. I sighed, 'he hasn't changed' I thought. Escorted by the maid, we arrived at the throne room. She knocked on the door, "excuse me, your Majesty? I have brought Princess Lucy and Prince Zeref" she said through the door. "Send them in" I heard father's voice. The maid bowed to us before leaving and the guards on either side of the door opened the doors.

My father sat proudly on his throne and beside him was mother's empty throne. "Lucy, I'm appalled that you would run away from the castle without consulting me" he scolded me and then turned to Zeref. "Prince Zeref, thank you for returning my daughter to me. I have organised the wedding between you and my daughter to be scheduled for tomorrow evening" father said. He raised from his seat and walked towards us to shake Zeref's hand.

Zeref shook father's hand with a kind smile on his face. "Thank you, your Majesty. I look forward to wed your beautiful daughter but-" a knife slid into his hand from his sleeve and stabbed father in the stomach. I let out a quick scream and covered my mouth in shock. "You won't be attending" he said in my father's ear before letting him fall to the ground. My eyes never left my dead father on the floor. Blood from his wound pooled around him. 'Even though I've hated how father has treated me in the past, I've never wished death upon him' I thought as my body trembled.

"Now onto the next matter of business" Zeref said as he turned towards me and I moved my attention to him. 'Is he going to kill me? I don't have my keys to protect myself! What do I do? Natsu!' I thought in fear. "No need to fear, I have no intention of killing you but I do intent to marry you" he said as he took something out of his pocket. He handed the item over to me and I saw it was my keys! "There's a spell on them so you won't be able to use them until after our wedding" he said as I took them.

"Why did you kill my father?" I asked him cautiously. "With him out of the way, I can rule the kingdom" he replied, "but why keep me alive when I'm the heir to the throne?" I asked. "To gain the people's favour. This kingdom loves you as their princess and with you by my side, the people will accept me as their King" he replied.

Suddenly the doors opened and some of Zeref's guards came into the room. "Your Majesty, we have secured the castle" one of them said. "Excellent. Please escort my beautiful fiancé to her chambers" Zeref said as he walked over and sat on father's chair. The guards surrounded me and I was escorted back to my room.

As soon as I was left alone in my room, I ran towards the balcony to see if I could escape but I saw Zeref's guards scattered everywhere in the garden. I went back inside and tried to summon one of my spirits, hoping Zeref was bluffing about the spell. "Open gate of the lion! Loke!" I chanted. Instead of Loke appearing, the key shocked me and I had to drop it. "Ow" I said as I rubbed my shocked hand and cautiously pick it back up. Luckily it didn't shock me again.

With no magic or any way to escape, I laid on my bed and reflected on everything that's happened today. My castle has been taken over by Zeref and father was murdered. Father's death replayed in my mind and I began to cry into my pillow. 'I've already lost mother and now father' I thought as my tears soaked the pillow. I didn't want to marry Zeref and I knew my only hope was Natsu. I was sure he was on his way with Fairy Tail to save me as we speak. I trust Natsu will save me somehow and I hope he does before the wedding ceremony tomorrow.

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