Chapter 14 - All-girls sleepover

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I woke up feeling refreshed and without any pain burning through my body. "Lucy!" Natsu happily exclaimed from my bedside. I noticed his hand was holding mine. "How are you feeling?" he asked, "like my body isn't being dipped in lava" I joked. He gave me a bright smile and chuckle. "How long was I asleep?" I asked, "only overnight" he replied. I was relieved that I didn't sleep for longer than a day after taking the antidote.

"What time is it?" I asked, "8 am" he replied. I was sure everyone was in the mess hall having breakfast now. I slowly sat up and Natsu began to panic a little. "Woah, woah, woah. Why are you getting up?" he asked worriedly as he tried to lay be back down. "Natsu, I feel a lot better now. I'm hungry and I want to see everyone" I said. I had no doubt that everyone was worried for me while I was unconscious.

"Alright but if you collapse, you are going straight back to bed" he demanded and I nodded. My heart felt warm with how much he cares about me. I was able to walk by myself to the mess hall with Natsu very close behind. As I entered the mess hall, everyone's chatter died down to silence as they all looked at me. "Lucy!" they all exclaimed happily and were about to tackled me in a giant group hug when Natsu pulled me back into his own hug. "Back off!" he shouted at his crew and everyone burst into laughter.

"Wouldn't expect Natsu to act any other way when it comes to Lucy" Macao commented. "He loves~ her" Happy teased and my cheeks blushed a bit. I think I might be developing feelings for Fairy Tail's pink haired Captain. I would be happy if Natsu felt the same about me. Since Natsu wouldn't let me go, everyone went back to their seats and eating their breakfast.

With an arm still around my waist, Natsu led me to my seat beside his. Mira placed our food in front of us. "I'm happy to see you feeling better Lucy. Since you're better, the girls and I want to have an all-girls sleepover with you tonight" she said. "That sounds like fun" I replied happily. "I'll let the girls know" she said with a sweet smile. "Can I come?" Natsu asked and I mentally facepalmed. Didn't he hear Mira say it's an all-girls sleepover? "Sorry Natsu but it's girls only" Mira apologised and he pouted. She giggled as she walked off to serve other crewmembers.

After breakfast, Levy and I were happily reading and discussing books in the library. Weirdly though, Natsu was sitting in the corner watching us. Levy gave me a smirk before turning to Natsu. "There's nothing that can harm Lu here, Natsu" she said. "That's not it, I just felt like sitting here" he replied. Suddenly the door slammed open revealing Erza. She stomped over to him and grabbed his ear. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Erza!" he complained as she pulled him up so he was standing. "So, this is where you've been hiding. How many times have I told you not to leave the wheel unattended!" she said before dragging him out of the room.

For the rest of the day, Natsu would occasionally sneak back in to check on me before Erza had to drag him back again. When it was finally time for the all-girls sleepover, the girls had to literally pull Natsu off of my waist before slamming and locking the door on him. "Let me in!" he complained from the other side of the door. Eventually, we heard Gray and Gajeel pull him away from the door.

"So Lucy, we organised this sleepover to tell you about Natsu's behaviour while you were unconscious" Erza explained. I was a little confused until the girls told me the whole story. I couldn't help but think how cute he was worried about me. "Aw! Lu's blushing!" Levy said with a big smile on her face. I buried my face into my pillow to hide my blush and all the girls squealed.

"Hey Lucy, how about you cook him dinner tomorrow to thank him for taking care of you? I'll happily let you use the kitchen" Mira suggested. I remembered I was going to cook Natsu dinner because he wanted to be the first one to eat my food but I became busy with Levy to locate Siren Lagoon. "Alright, I'll cook for him" I replied and all the girls gave me a knowing smirk. "Just to thank him" I defended as I looked away from their smirks. Luckily for me, we talked and played games for the rest of the night.

The next day, Natsu wasn't following me around like a lost puppy because he was under surveillance by Erza. I know he's worried about me collapsing again. I'm really excited to cook him dinner and hopefully he sees that I'm fine now. 'What I should cook him for dinner? Maybe his favourite?' I wondered. Mira told me at the sleepover that his favourite food is spicy chicken wings. I remembered the castle chef teaching me how to cook the best chicken wings. "Chicken wings it is" I mumbled to myself.

Later that day, I was busy cooking Natsu's spicy chicken wings when Mira walked in giggling. "Someone's been looking for you" she giggled and I knew she meant Natsu. He doesn't know that I'm cooking for him tonight. "I hope he likes my cooking" I said nervously, "I'm sure he will love it" she replied before cooking everyone else's dinner.

When we were finished cooking, Mira served everyone else while I waited in the kitchen. She told me to wait until everyone was served before serving Natsu. "Where's Lucy?!" I heard Natsu exclaim in the mess hall. "She'll be here soon" Mira told him before entering the kitchen where I was. "It's time!" she said happily, giving me the thumbs up. I took a deep breath and walked into the mess hall with the spicy chicken wings I cooked.

I could tell Natsu smelt me before he saw me because he whipped his head in my direction. His eyes sparkled when he saw the spicy chicken wings. I noticed him drooling as I placed the plate in front of him. Everyone was watching Natsu's reaction as he got a different dinner than them. "Did you cook this yourself Lucy?" he asked as he looked up from the food to me. "Yep" I replied with a nod. He looked down at his food and then back up at me. "No one's tried your food yet, right?" he asked, "as promised you're the first one to try" I replied. As soon as I said that he happily dug into his food. "These are the best chicken wings I ever tasted!" he exclaimed in delight which made me smile.  

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