Chapter 23 - Fake Map

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'What does he mean it wasn't the real map?' I wondered as I looked at him with confusion. "The crew came up with a plan and we gave them a redrawn map to Dead Dragon's Peak on an old parchment. Sting fell for the fake map and that should keep them off our backs while we search for the next Dragon Jewel" Natsu explained. "Oh" I said and sighed in relief. I was really glad I wasn't the reason for us losing the map.

Natsu suddenly stopped and I was curious on why he stopped. "Are you sure they didn't hurt you in any way?" he said with a concerned expression as he inspected every inch of me for injuries. Before I could answer him, he lifted my shirt up, exposing my stomach, to check for any injuries he didn't see before because of my clothes. "I'm fine, he didn't hurt me at all. He told me he only wanted the map" I replied and he sighed in relief as he pulled my shirt back down.

Without warning, he pulled me into an embrace. "I'm so glad you aren't hurt. I'm never letting you out of my sight again" he said as he buried his head into my shoulder. An idea popped into my head to ease Natsu's concern. I pulled myself away from him which he looked worriedly at me. Moving side by side with him, I grasped his hand. "How about this, whenever we go ashore, we will hold hands and that way you will always know I'm right beside you" I said. He looked down at our hands for a moment and smiled. "That's a great idea" he said, looking up at me with a joyful smile. He gave me a quick peck on my forehead before we continued towards the ship hand-in-hand.

By the time we got to the beach, where the ship was anchored in the open waters, I saw Erza, Gray and Happy standing beside the rowboat on shore. When they saw me, Gray and Erza smiled as they walked towards us while Happy ploughed into my chest. "I'm so happy that Sabertooth didn't take you Lucy" he said as he looked up from my chest. "So am I Happy" Natsu said and I gave him a peck on the lips.

"They didn't hurt you, did they?" Gray asked, "you're just as bad as Natsu, they didn't do anything to me" I replied. He made an annoyed huff and looked away. "I'm nothing like that Pink-haired Idiot of a Captain" he muttered. Natsu growled and came face to face with Gray without letting go of my hand. "At least I'm not the most stupid Ice Stripper of the seven seas" he retorted. At first, I didn't notice because Natsu's back was blocking Gray but when I looked around Natsu I noticed Gray had stripped into his birthday suit. I let out a scream and covered my eyes with my hand that wasn't holding Natsu's.

I hope I can forget what I saw. I heard a squeal that sounded like it was coming from the ship and it sounded oddly like Juvia. Anyway, I then heard a punch and something crashing in the sand. "What the hell dude! Don't soil my beautiful mate's eyes!" I heard Natsu voice shout and I couldn't help but blush at the 'beautiful' comment. "The only man who should be showing his naked body around Lucy is me" I heard him mutter to himself. "Natsu!" I exclaimed embarrassed. I felt his hand stiffen probably because he didn't expect me to hear that.

There was a moment of silence before Natsu said "he's dressed now" but I still hesitantly peeked through my fingers to make sure. Confirming Gray was dressed, I took my hand off my eyes. "Come on, the crew are eagerly awaiting our return" Erza said and began walking to the rowboat. "Yeah, we should also hurry to our next destination before Sabertooth realise that the map is fake" Gray added and followed her. Happy sat on Natsu's shoulder and we headed towards the rowboat together.

As we rowed back to the ship, "why am I the only one rowing?" Gray grumbled. Natsu and I were sitting on the seat in front of him while Erza sat on the seat behind him. "You can't expect women to row a boat while we have some strong men onboard" Erza said as she sipped from the teacup she was holding. 'Where did she get tea?' I wondered. "Ok but... why isn't Natsu rowing too?!" Gray complained. Natsu lifted our held hands, "because I'm holding Lucy's hand" he replied. "Let go of her hand and help me" Gray argued, "no can do. I'm not letting Lucy go until we get back onboard our ship" Natsu replied determined. Gray was about to complain but Erza spoke. "Stop complaining and keep rowing" she said and Gray silently rowed, not wanting to be on Erza's bad side.

When we got aboard the ship, everyone crowded around us or more specifically me. They asked if I was ok but Sting nor Sabertooth tried to hurt me. "Why does everyone ask if Sabertooth hurt me?" I asked. "This is the second time Sabertooth has kidnapped you and I've told you how they don't usually take hostages so it worries us a little" Natsu explained. Everyone looked at Natsu with an eyebrow raised and then Mira spoke up. "A little you say? Shall I tell Lucy about how you-" "ok! I was extremely worried about you!" Natsu interrupted. Now I was curious about what Mira was going to say. Natsu turned towards Mira, "are you happy now?" he asked with a half-hearted glare. "Very" she replied with a sweet smile.

"What were you about to say just before Natsu interrupted you Mira?" I asked. I was really curious about what he did while I was gone. "Well-" "I'm sure you're tired so lets go to bed Lucy" Natsu interrupted Mira again as he pulled me by my hand towards the captain's quarters. I looked over my shoulder and saw everyone had smirks on their faces. 'I can tell they are so going to tease Natsu tomorrow' I thought just before Natsu pulled me inside the captain's quarters and slammed the door shut.

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