The friends

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Pharaoh opened his eyes. A werecat girl stared at him from his chest. She smiled at him with sleepy eyes.

"Hi" he said.

"Good morning, again!" she aswered. "Have you plant anything for today?"

"Yes. You will meet my friends."

"The ones who don't like music that much?"

"Yes, but don't worry they are very friendly... I guess.."

They dressed in outside clothes then they went to get breakfast. After this they quicly get in the street.

"Do you know where they are?" asked Catty. 

"Absolutely. We always chill at the same place."

They walked some street, but they stopped before they get in a alley then Pharaoh went in and yelled to some monsters.

"Hello guys! I want to introduce you to someone. You can come now!" Catty get in the alley.

She saw two monster: a gargoyle ghoul and a werewolf manster. Actually she knew the ghoul's name.

"Hi!" she greeted in a shy voice. " I'm Catty No-"

"We know exactly who you are!" said the girl. " But we didn't thought that you come back for Pharaoh."

"You were the one who didn't thought that." said the werewolf boy " Hi, I'm Bo Glaw and she is-"

"Stonphia StonSol, yeah, Bo, we have already met!" Stonphia shouted at him. Pharaoh was surprised.

" Wait... How and when did you guys met?"

" She was the one who told me that you were at the Monster of Liberty." turned Catty to Pharaoh. They stayed quite then Bo broke the silent.

"Sooo... Are you guys just dating or you already a couple? Don't look at me like that Stonphy" he said with anger when Stonphia looked at him with killer eyes.

"We are a couple" smiled Pharaoh with blushed face while he hugged Catty. "We are..."

" You can't say that bullshit! Pharaoh! Please tell me that this is just a really bad joke! This is worse than you usually tell us!" whined Stonphia. She stared at him but he stand the look.

"What about a dinner tonight? In the Pizza of Scream? I would be the one who pays." Looked at Bo and Catty.

"Of course!" grinned Catty.

"Absolutely!" said Bo.

"What about you Stonphy?" Pharaoh asked the gargoyle ghoul.

" I guess... I could go..."she murmured with deep shame.

"Cool! Then meet us at 7pm." said the mummy. Then Stonphia ran away.

"What's wrong with her? Why is she like... that?" asked Catty calmly. She totaly had enough of that girl.

"Well... She is very.." started Pharaoh, but he didn't found the perfect word.

"Sensitive" finished the sentense Bo. "We could tell why she is like that... If you want."

"Really?" asked Catty and also Pharaoh.

"I mean..." said the mummy " That is actually a personal thing..."

" I wanna hear it..." she said firmly "Eventually, she is one of you're best friend..."

"Okay" sighed Pharaoh " Come with us Bo for a walk. Then we tell you..."

They walked out from the alley and started talking. 

(Monster High Story) What happend after Boo York?Where stories live. Discover now