After the call

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After Catty has sent the demo to her manager and told things about Seth, the manager immediately wanted to contact him. After a few days that, Pharaoh sign a tons of papers with help of Catty. From that day on, he helped Catty in songs. By the end of September, they have finished a whole album. It made several records and ended up in the top of the charts. They made huge money and gained popularity.

Catty was in the spotlight again, however, this time Pharaoh was there, too. They kept their relationship pretty private, so most of the monster didn't even know that the two were dating. Even though, some admirers thought that they are lovers, they didn't have enough proof.

As for Pharaoh, he enjoyed the industry. Almost everybody loved him, and quickly got accapted in the music world. He also put out some songs out for himself. They weren't enough for a whole album, though. He has gained even more confidence in performances, however he stayed pretty modest. He didn't tell anyone in work that he was Seth Ptolemy, so his actions wouldn't bother his mother's business.

In October, Catty and Seth went on a one-month-tour. They performed together on the stage. They had the perfect chemistry. They travalled around the world, had tons of interviews, performances and photoshoots. Studios and publishers were fighting each other to get them.

Despite all this, the couple still managed to have some private moments, even if it just meant secret sneak intos each other's hotel rooms during the nights. They have never been so close like those times. They couldn't wait what would the future bring them.

As November kicked in, and the tour ended and both of them had to go back to their almost normal life.
Catty, after 1 and a half month home schooling (because she took out part of the September, too), returned to Monster High. She practised every afternoon at the music room in the school. She continued writing lyrics and melodies, since this time she hasn't planned to quite music for too long.
As for Pharaoh, he continued writing songs. He was producing other artist's songs. In his free time he hanged out with Bo and Stonphia. He was preparing his first album, and for Catty's next one.
During the weekends the two met, just like before the tour. Their relationship was getting more and more serious. At the same time, Mrs. Noir, Ms. Persicat and Roy still didn't like Pharaoh. Nonetheless, he was invited a few times over to dinner, where he woulnd enjoyed himself.

Even so, they were missing each other's company during the weekdays and had difficulties ,they were faithful to each other.

All in all, no one thought that something bad would happened.

Catty Noir went to school with that mindset on the last Thursday of November. She didn't even think that her life would turn into so dark on that afternoon...

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