Monday's show

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"Kids, what happened to you?" said the manager as he scaned Catty and Pharaoh on Monday. He didn't want an answer, of course, but a great enthusiasm during the rehersal. "Okay, kids, have a coffee. Both of you look terrible."

Listening to the manager's advice, they took a break. They had been practising a lot because they made several mistakes. Catty and Pharaoh sat down near to each other. They didn't look at each other. Both of their eyes were cried out, red and tired. They felt emberrased.
Then Pharaoh broke the silent.

"Is he coming tonight?" he was obviously thinking about Roy.

"Yes, he will. Are Stonphia and Bo coming?" she asked.

"They promised me, that they will come. And they are loyal - not like others - so they'll come." he replied then took a big sip from his coffee. "By the way, you should take better care of your voice."

Catty felt ashamed by this statement.
She cried through the whole weekend loudly. Her parents and Ms. Persicat left her and Roy together alone for Saturday and Sunday. Roy wasn't pleasent with her attitude so he continued doing horrible things to her. Therefore, she not only cried but screamed in her pain. Clearly, it was overwhelming to her voice.
Her throat and body was in pain. Under her baggy clothes she was full of scars, bruises and bandages.
She also couldn't sleep because of Roy. Her head was aching for that reason.

"And you should be more focused when it comes to playing the piano." she replied.

Pharaoh only took another sip from his drink.
He also had a headache.
On Saturday, the first thing that he did was telling his friends what happened. Stonphia was furious, Bo disappointed. They tried to cheer him up, but he was inconsolable. He didn't want to hang out with them.
He acted fine and serious, like nothing has happened. However, on Sunday's afternoon he locked himself into his room and cried and got drunk.
So during the rehersal he was in a hangover.

After a half an hour they finished the rehersal.

As Catty was waiting on the hall behind the stage for Roy to arrive, she saw 2 familiar monsters. It was Stonphia and Bo. They just arrived and walking over to Pharaoh's prepering room.
She knew that now she had a chance to come clean. She got up from the floor and started running towards them.

"Stonphy! Bo! Wait up!"

They had stopped walking and looked at her. She finally saw bit of hope, so she smiled shyly.

"It's good to see you. Really. I have to tell you something important."

She was about to explain herself when Stonphia slapped her on her face.

"Stonphia! Calm the hell down!" Bo grabbed Stonphia's hands as she was about to give Catty another slap.

"Why should I?! She knew that there will be consequence of her action if she messes with my mummy-brother!!!" then she looked at Catty "You are a liar! You are a mean bitch! A cheater! A stupid popstar! I wish you the worst!! I hate you!!!"

When Pharaoh heard Stonphia's yelling he got out from his room immediately. He walked up to his friends slowly, and didn't even bother himself with the fact that the gargoyle girl was still shouting at Catty. When he was next to Bo, he interrupted Stonphia.

"It will be enough, Sis." he smiled a bit.
"No, it's not! Your eyes are cried out because of her!" she continued.
"I know, but you shouldn't waste your time on her. C'mon, have some chat elsewhere. Her manster is coming anyways."

"Why the hell were you talking to those trashy street monsters?" Roy asked angerly Catty after pulling her into her room. "What were you telling them, you little -"

"Nothing! I swear to God. They didn't even want to see me." said Catty anxiously.

"Good, good. And if I ever see you talking to another boy, I'll beat you like a box bag." he pulled her close aggressively. "There are many boys out there, but noone would want to love you like I do. Oh, and don't act like I treat you bad." then added "After the concert, I'll hang out with the boys, so go home alone."
Catty just nooded.

In the other room Pharaoh was still preparing for the show while talking to his friends.
"If only I could slap her again!" Stonphia started.
"Sister, calm down, please. It was useless anyway" said Pharaoh as he was getting nervous because of the show. "You know, it's not your business."
"How wouldn't this be MY business?! She made ya upset, and don't even think that I haven't recognize that you are in a hangover!! "
"She didn't cheat and break up with ya, did she, Stonphy?" said Bo. "She has enough things to deal with anyway..."
"Like what, Brother? What? Is she busy with crying because of the break up?" Pharaoh was annoyed.
"Nooo...But she definitely curses herself that she has to dumped you for that werecat. I mean..ew, dude looked weird. Not ugly..just weird.."
All of them started laughting.

The show went perfectly, as usual, and nobody saw any difference between Catty and Pharaoh's chemistry on stage. They were dancing, singing and smiling just like they used to. Everybody felt amazing during the show...Well, almost everybody.

The two star felt fake and annoyed when their eyes met during the performance. Catty knew Roy gonna be angry, and Pharaoh hated that he had to sing and dance with her after the cruel break up.

After the end of the show, their manager complimented them then both of them went seperate ways.

This situation determined the next month for Catty and Pharaoh....

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